mmmm. well that is different.

Apr 30, 2008 22:07

there was a Lost season 4 hiatus with no name at
lostsquee, well in the hiatus that has been over for a couple of weeks now, but the muse was on strike at the time. it still is. *kicks it*

But I need to get out of that slump, so I tried something new. I took one of the prompts, day 4,

In the mornings I would wake in different cities, underneath different stars. Only they were the same cities, too, in a way. They were still the same stars.
[Scott Bradfield ~ The History Of Luminous Motion]

and this is what came out of it.

(Click to enlarge of course!)

is that a 22 words drabble? another kind of not quite fic? nonsense? LOL! I don't know, but it's a couple of words at least. Marti opened my eyes, it's a Postsecret!!!!  :)   Should I post it to
lostsquee or not bother?

I did it in TwistedBrush Pro btw.  *shrugs*

drabble, fic, graphics

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