oh and another thing...

Jan 31, 2008 19:07

It is 2 different posts, but this is also something for
inthekeyofd ... I wrote it a while ago as a response to a Holiday request, but I was waiting to have the icons ready at the same time. But I don't mix fic posts with icon posts usually, so.. Yes, I can be weird like that. This completes my Holiday assignments... a month too late!  oooops! I am so sorry D! I hope you enjoy!

Freezing,  Jack/Sawyer, 100 words drabble, PG-13

Sawyer shivers and hurries back to bed, having to dig his way under numerous layers of white sheets, flannel and plush duvet comforter.

Jack groans as Sawyer settles almost on top of him.

“Got no fur. Need body heat.”

He offers as an apology and Jack half snorts. Sawyer is almost drifting back to sleep when a noise make him jump. There it is again.

“The hell? What is that?”

Jack mumbles.

“Nothing. Just nail popping ‘cause it’s cold.”

Must be fucking cold then. But not here, not now. Sawyer settles closer and just let the heat take him under.

drabble, fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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