ohhh, drabble! I like drabbles!

Jan 30, 2008 13:55

drabble day at
lostsquee ! yay! how could I resist?

Masquerade, 100 words drabble, Jack, Gen (made with, you will have possibly guessed, the prompt "Mask")

In all aspects of his every day life, Jack values order and logic.

Paradoxically his dreams are wild.

It’s always been, but here on the island he remembers every detail, bright and vivid, and it can take hours before he can shake them off.

Jack opens his eyes to the security of his tent and the sound of the waves, but he’s still in the middle of the illuminated ballroom dance floor, twirling with multiple partners. They all wear masks: lamb, deer, fox, weasel, hound… He goes around and around, inexorably drawn to the wolf with the piercing blue eyes.

ahh. hours after I change a word and I like it better. it was bugging me. ;)

drabble, fic, lost fic: jack, lost

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