That one took me by surprise ;)

Jan 11, 2008 09:46

Silly drabble that was not on program but that I just did a second ago after the idea hit me.

Supernatural, 100 words, Dean Winchester (I think I call it "Fear") ;)

The hounds got him, in the end.

Before opening his eyes, Dean knew he was under the scrutiny of thousands. He could hear them breathe in the relative silence: loud, excited, eager. The greeting committee was there but he had not expected it to be so big.

It's when he opened his eyes that the pain started. He got just a fraction of a second to realize he was surrounded by a multitude of women before they all yelled "DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!" so loud he feared for his eardrums.

A big banner said: "Welcome to Special Hell Dean!"

He promptly passed out.

spn, drabble, fic, spn fic: dean

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