First post!!!

Jul 25, 2007 12:13

Title:  Love at first drama

Author: gottalovepie

Rating: pg-14 mmm think sooo

Pairing: Pierre and David, some Seb, Chuck and Jeff

Word Count:I dunno

Summary: Life is about to turn crazy for Pierre

Disclaimer:Don´t own don't own

The sun wasn't up yet when i opened my eyes, but i didn’t  wanna sleep anymore, maybe is because all the naps i've been taking these last few days, weird really, i'm not the kind of guy who sleeps all day, i can leave that to old tired people, no, i'm more like the crazy party guy who goes out and flirt and never waste a night, well i guess I WAS that kind of guy, all of a sudden I became dull, maybe i'm getting old! No! Hell no who i'm kidding? I'm only 20; I guess I just haven’t been the same since all that happened, well, I don't wanna be in bed anymore, i’m not feeling sleepy.
I get up from bed and i made a decision

I'm going out, perhaps a walk in the alone streets will make me put order in my so mess up head.
Shall i go alone?

It might be dangerous for someone as good looking as me be walking alone in the lonely streets

Shall i tell Seb I am going out?
I walked through his room and as a normal person he still was sleeping, aww he look so peaceful and sweet while he sleeps, mmm maybe i'll let him just like that, he also seems pretty tired, and who wouldn't after all last night action, hey don't think wrong, he return pretty late from the party, yeah we went to a party in a nice club in town last night, we went with Chuck and Jeff, cool guys, anyway i decided to leave early cause i wasn't really in a "party mood" in fact i haven't been in a "anything mood" lately, i'm such a cranky.
Well it was pretty lonely outside it was also very dark and cold, good i'm not a scary chicken and good i wore my hoodie. I walked a few minutes thinking about everything, about my life, about the last months, the last days, the mistakes, and how everything went down the trash.
Before i could continue going deeply in my webby mind, i realized i've been walking not minutes but hours and i managed to walk into a complete strange neighborhood

How the hell did i ended up here?

I look into my watch, 5: 30 am

I also realized i haven't eat since yesterday before the party

Fuck i'm starving

I said holding my stomach.

Fuck i'm lost

I said as I looked at the unknown street in which I was walking

And fuck! What place could be open at this time?

Well it seemed like a little cafeteria just listened me and decided to appear just across the street.

Finally some good luck, I thought
it was one of those places who were open all day, tiny shitty place, but I didn’t care too much right now.

In the whole cafeteria there was just some suited guy and me

I’m not very hungry so I’m just ordering a strong coffee (Now i feel sleepy and I need some caffeine) and a donut, oh no I guess that’s not gonna be possible, apparently a little rat named Seb decided to took over my wallet last night

Well, just a coffee then

I thought while I looked at my wallet, apparently the waiter notice my sad situation, I knew this at the time i heard:
"Don’t worry, this ones go on the house"
The waiter said while he left a little basket whit a nice variety of donuts
I said in a bitter tone while ill rolled my eyes, no, I’m not surprise, this isn’t the first time an ugly waiter tries to flirt me with free food, god do I look like miserable or what?

Pfff! You can’t buy Pierre Bouvier with food, especially with a donut

And for the moment i have better stuff to think about.

Maybe a fake smile will be enough to show my gratitude, I turn my face to the waiter but it wasn’t necessary to fake a smile.
I obviously hadn’t looked at the waiter face before because my jaw dropped as the moment I saw him; i guess I was too obvious because he asked

"Hey, are you ok?"
It was for sure the most beautiful guy i had ever seen in my entire life, but why?

He was like 19 years old and his style was so weird, a guy like this had never called my attention, he was dressed in black, he wasn't wearing the cafeteria uniform, but he work here for sure, he wasn’t to tall, in fact he was a short guy, i took a glance of his hands, they seemed so soft and warm. His face was so perfect; he had white porcelain skin, and a piercing! Oh god! Many piercings! One in his nose, two in each ear and one in the most desirable lips i had ever seen, and his eyes ohhh those eyes! They were huge deep brown-green eyes; he definitely gives THE definition to hazel eyes! And below them a weird yet sexy line of black, ehh what's the name, eyeliner! He had black long spiked hair, uh so stylish.

I managed to babble some words like this ones

"Eh, sure i'm, i’m fine thanks; eh thank you so much"
"My pleasure"
He said with a sweet smile that made me burn inside and he return to the kitchen.

I whispered when i saw the tight back part of his pants (If you know what part i mean) walking away, oh lucky pants!
I forgot some of my drama while i drink and eat my hot coffee and my so sweet donuts and i keep staring at that boy who now was attending some other customers, once in a while he looked at me and smiled
Maybe he would like to...
Or what about if he...
Should i...
While i keep thinking all the possibilities of him i notice HIM was leaving the cafeteria, my heart jump, oh no!
Oh no i'm not gonna let him go

I run to the door then through the street without caring about the check, I reached him and i step in front of him

What am i doing? I'm gonna scare him, oh no too late, he is gonna scream for help
"Hey, eh don't worry i already paid the check"
He said in a nervous yet sweet tone
"Oh what, oh yeah, well yeah i was actually..."
Come on Bouvier you are a big boy!
"You know i was going to...”
His gorgeous eyes look at me confused
"Thank you, you know, for eh the, the donuts"
Duhh! What's wrong with me?
"Ha, well, you know its ok"
He said with a small smile, oh no i think he is about to run away now no! Don't let him leave!
"Yeah well, ehh i'm Pierre"
He looked at me even more confused
"Nice to meet you Pierre"
There was a small pause, oh come on tell me you name come on! Come on!
"I'm David"
David, that was the name of the angel i meet that morning, before i could say something else David leave in his car, well I think it was his car, fuck i let him go! But all David's thoughts didn't go, i couldn't stop thinking of that beautiful boy, it seemed like that angel put a spell on me, well i like this spell.
The next day i return to that cafeteria, and don't ask how did get out of that neighborhood or how did i found it again, other waiter told me David didn't work there anymore, fuck! Isn’t that just my luck!?
Well i don't care, i don't care about my drama, no place is far enough, i'm gonna find David and i, i'm gonna, i, well i don't now! But i will know when i find again that angel named David.

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