Nov 08, 2006 19:54
Im just gonna ramble on about everything cuz no one reads this anyways.
Karma can go suck it!
So can Live Journal.
So a thing that has happened with me I did to someone else last year and I realized it hurts really bad but I understand it and im still there for them I didnt run. yes im sad but i still care and he still cares about me.
sometimes i hate being addicted to working out- and then i think well i'll never be fat. and sometimes i love it
my mom doesnt realize why i want to go soo far away for college and why I keep counting down- shes the reason.
I wish i was born not so late in the year.
im obsessed to this song.
grr shes pisses me off!!!!
i hate old pictures that bring back memories liek this one picture of me when I was seven and i just had my surgery and the picture of me and someone last year at the park and hes holding me and now- its sad cuz we dont even talk.
fridays always seem to suck for some reason and there supposed to be good.
I like going to school because I love not being home- thats sad.
I love being independent.
I hate family gatherings.
You always realize how much you need your best friends when you've had the worst day ever and then they always make you smile.
today my ankle rolled fell-everyone saw.