[52] snap crack and cast

Feb 20, 2011 01:21

Dear Diary,

Through an unforeseen and unfortunate series of events, I ended up breaking my wrist. Please don't ask. Typing is very difficult but if I wiggle my fingers a bit, I can use three of them to type on my Pokedex around the cast. My movements are rather limited. This is going to make putting curtains up really..... really quite difficult, I won't lie.

However, I guess we've entertained our first houseguests, which is something. If I escaped with just this break, maybe I should consider myself lucky, eh? Hm. Maybe. Given this group's track record and all.

Thankfully, the trip to the Pokecenter was panic-free and Nurse Joy was very kind as she bandaged me up.

.... I really should have remembered to push the end-table back against the couch after doing paint samples. Dang.

l: lake valor, ic: log

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