(no subject)

May 26, 2005 02:19

so my ff just ended... abby tess max jacky stephanie steven david sarah and erin all stayed to watch donnie darko, and then abby tess max jacky and stephanie left. sooo the rest of us started lost in translation but i felt like we should watch 28 days later before steven left, so we stopped lit and put in 28 days later. at around 1 steven left and the rest of us continued with the movie. once 28 days later was over, we were going to start lit again but my dad came in and was like OK! FILM FEST IS OVER! boo hoo =(

Sooooo sarah and erin were going to drive david home but since it was past sarah's driving curfew and she didn't really know whether or not she was going home afterwards cause she didnt want her parents to know she was driving that late........ my dad brought david home and sarah and erin are currently watching tv/brushing their teeth. and I am sitting awkwardly typing on the computer! i think i might go catch some tv with them in a sec, depends on if they go to bed or not.
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