Huh! They really get in-depth with this flower language. . . Thank you for a lovely time? Wouldn't writing a note be easier at that point?
[Yes, Kizna is flipping through a book on flowers in the Mess Hall. Oddly enough, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO BUG HER.]
[[This post is not a drop post; Kizna will be going nowhere through the course of it. She will disappear "tomorrow" with a note from camp saying she's been kicked out for manufacturing explosives from orange juice again. Yes, it can feel ominous, but keep the good-byes and so on to a bare minimum, please. You can PM me on IRC if you have any questions. Sorry about the format, and thanks again, guys. Open forever and threads will be picked up for as long as needed, of course.]]