Sep 04, 2006 17:02
I've been in Pittsburgh for about two weeks now and things are really starting to heat up...even though the temperature is dropping quicker than Tyler Hodges during a drinking game. OH SNAP! I said it!
When I got here, weather was in the 80's and now we're lucky to break 70. Whatever.
I can tell that this semester is going to be much different than my last. More advanced classes, better work attitude, more responsibility, and MUCH better living conditions. I feel so well prepared for this semester, between knowing just what I want to do, to already having my plans laid out for the Winter/Spring/Summer. I just have this sense of everything being perfectly fine. It's nice, calming in a way.
My girlfriend is threatening to kick my ass in a game of Mario Kart. Seriously, how cool is that? That's one area that really is going well, the girl that is.
Lets just talk about "The Full Monty" for a second. The Erie Playhouse is doing it this summer (as in, about 10 months away) and I really, desperately want to be in it. I'd like to be Malcolm or Ethan (not major parts but very fun & comical ones) but I just want to be a part of it. It's one of those shows where I like the message and themes of it in such a way that I would gladly be anything, I may just crew it to help out. There's only a few shows I like in that way, one of them being "Hair" (why do all these shows specific an amount of nudity...hmm) and I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to perform. So is it weird that I am already thinking about shows to audition for months in advance? Meh.
Everyone here says I have changed since last semester. Now, I'm not what they mean, but they always specify that its not a bad change, but that I've just grown up more. Funny, I thought I was getting younger personality wise. I feel more and more like a kid every day but somehow I am getting more responsible. Whatever.
So...Neil LaBute's "Fat Pig" in class tommorow. If I do well I think I start using it for auditions. Wish me luck. I'm out like trout.