yomkippurzombie: ...Oh god damn someone needs to go over and smack some sense into that boy.
bluejedi04: If you'd told him he's been sliced and diced, none of this would be happening, would it? ;)
auriatetsukai: fffffff
yomkippurzombie: *headdesk*
raepteim: *tempted to drop a random comment of nothing but static in there*
raepteim: *resists*
auriatetsukai: OH GOD
auriatetsukai: OH GOD
bluejedi04: Hah, yeah, you'd be paying for two therapy bills. :)
auriatetsukai: Part of me says OMG DO IT,
auriatetsukai: and then...just...oh god
bluejedi04: And TJ probably makes crappy cupcakes
raepteim: up to you guys XD
auriatetsukai: lol
yomkippurzombie: D: PH! Have some TACT
raepteim: XDDD
failscream: It's PH
auriatetsukai: PH: ...tact?
bluejedi04: Hah, if you want to....go ahead. ;)
auriatetsukai: -helmet tilt-
bluejedi04: *is such a masochist*
raepteim: PH: ... *takes corpse out on date first?*
auriatetsukai: BBL DYING
yomkippurzombie: o_______o
raepteim: PH: *hands rose* <]
failscream: oh shit what happened to wreck gar
raepteim: Corpse: *is dead*
raepteim: PH: .... <[
auriatetsukai: Oh god laughing SO HARD right now.
raepteim: Corpse: *is still dead*
bluejedi04: Hey, at least it's cheap!
failscream: ... I also love how Squall no longer has inner monolouge
yomkippurzombie: Corpse-brides put out, PH
auriatetsukai: ow ow ow ow ow my stomach
raepteim: PH: ... >( *drags corpse off; fuck tact*
auriatetsukai: too much laughter
bluejedi04: Just get it home by 10!
raepteim: XDD
chimera1070 has joined this chat.
auriatetsukai: And use a condom, for god's sake.
chimera1070: ...LOL
auriatetsukai: ...HOW'S THAT FOR A CHAT INTRO?
bluejedi04: You don't know where it's been!
yomkippurzombie: *cracks up*
raepteim: PH: *right in the middle* *stops* *GLARES*
yomkippurzombie: He does know, though. D: He's dragged it all over town
raepteim: yes, a helmet can glare
starlithunter: You know those corpses. They just lie back for anyone who comes along.
auriatetsukai: xDDDDDDDDDD
raepteim: PH: ... *sigh* *goes to find condom*
auriatetsukai: I dub this the best chat ever.
raepteim: Corpse: *still dead, with a rose kinda crushed into it's hand*
raepteim: Pyramid Head aims to please
raepteim: himself