Aug 03, 2010 23:57

Okay, so . . . I've been having a craptastic time of things here lately - and they're not letting up (another big bomb hit today, argh) - so it was time for some seriously silly funteimz.  THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN KRYSTAL AND DRAGON GET TOGETHER.  XD  This kind of stemmed out of another game we're both in.  She plays an AU of G1 Prime and I play an AU G1 Bumblebee.  Prime's the captain of an airship.  We have a Hexidecimal (from ReBoot) on board too, and she held a little tea party . . . and she served little Prime-shaped cookies.  Bumblebee was . . . not sure what to make of that (sugary, edible effigies of his beloved commander WHAT!?).  Well, I told Krystal about it, we had a good laugh, and then we decided to make Prime cookies.  AND SO IT CAME TO PASS.

Prime wonders what these soft, pale blocks are.

ONOEZ Prime and Bee have been captured!

Obligatory villain gloat (say "Hi, Krystal!" XD)

A fate worse than . . . well . . .

But wait, what's this?!  Ratchet -

- and Wheeljack too!?  (and as an obligatory nod to Wake, he's lost a leg  XD;;;)

It seems they are fated to follow in the wake of their friends.  Will no one save them?

Oh!  What's this!?  Who should show up at the final hour, just before the curtain falls, but V!  V will rescue his friends!

Vanquishing the villain!

Unfortunately, V wasn't in time to save Prime and Bumblebee.  Lookin' a little pallid there, Prime.  Not to mention . . . flat . . .

Never fear!  The real Prime escaped, leaving behind this illusion (wait, Hound's around after all?)

Another view of Robo-Houdini and his master disguise.

Didn't Krystal do a great job with the face!?  =D

And then we started getting creative with the rest of the cookies - this is Krystal's Autobrand and handy-dandy campaign button.

And then she realized the message was incomplete.  Well, we couldn't leave it like that so . . .

Krystal's Autobrand turned out better than mine did.  Oh, well.  HEY, I TRIED!  LOL

I even tried a second time! =3;;;

Wheeljack heads to the East District near the Heart to activate the V-Signal.

Which I got to eat.  I had too much fun doing that, too.  XD

So we dug in, right?  And then it started getting tough to continue.  I mean, c'mon, look at that face!  Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and Ratchet really wished we'd stop too!

Krystal couldn't eat the head, so she took the torso.  Oh, man . . . those eyes . . . THEY'RE STARING INTO MY SOUL!

But that didn't stop me.  >D

Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and Ratchet mourn the loss of their great leader.

Oh!  No, wait, he's fine.  The real Prime was over hanging out with V.  Smile for the camera, everyone!

And . . . boy, we're full.  XD

art is awesome, dragon can't boil water, not safe for sanity of any kind, what is that picture i don't even, why krystal can't have nice things

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