My Annual Review.

Dec 07, 2005 12:27

This should prove to be interesting.

[January:] Your eyes are open. Your eyes are broken.
Your hair dances to me like soft glittering whispers of twinkling in the stars.
But alas, the number of stars in the sky is nothing compared to the depth of wonder and awe that I feel when staring at them.
Comparisons of a twisted fate that is only ment in succession will most likely never surpass the curse and dawning of a quiet arrival.
Strangers swift down the serigant isle taking whatever they can out of what they can fool themselves the most with.
When will we learn?
Departure upon arrival is a thing of the past and now...

we dance.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[February:] I have more important things on my mind to give a fuck about you anymore.
Love seems to be infiltrating the air particles that my friends and I are surrounded by.
I am happy.
I have this glow of radiance about me.
I haven't felt this way since the summer before last.
He's so right. We can be alone together.
I really really really hate going to school.
I'm pretty much outcasted now; the cycle continues. Three years is the charm I need to isolate myself from the people around me.
But that's okay.
Because I have you, and right now, you're all that I need.
My sense of time is lost when you're breathing inside of me.
I wish you would just come out and say what you're thinking.
Keep in mind that I can't always read yours.
Everytime you give me that look, bursts of happiness form a smile.
[Obscure poetry seems to be my thing lately; and I like it a lot.]

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[March:] shh. let's go.
lay in the quiet,
the stars circle above us.
alone in the dark.

oh no, don't panic,
just kiss until the night ends.
keep the blanket warm.

let's get up, we'll run,
through the pitch black of the night.
i have a craving.

they tell me to live.
and they tell me to let go.
they will never know.

i just want to run.
i just want to run with you.
no one will catch us.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[April:] Window Shopping.
I saw that puppy in the window today.
I wanted to take it home on a red leash and play tug o' war with a frisbee while we jump and play.
And you're right.
You'll never be that puppy in the window.
There will never be anything better than having the puppy in the window.
No puppy would ever compare.
No puppy would ever love me the same.
No puppy would be more perfect, because I'm convinced that the puppy is only for me.

I saw that girl in the window today.
I wanted her to be my best friend.
Toe nail painting and late night giggles would cover important instances of light reality.
And you're right.
You'll never be that girl in the window.
You'll never be trusted with my darkest secrets.
You'll never understand how bad my cramps get. No best friend would ever be more perfect because I'm convinced that the girl in the window is perfect for me.

I saw that dress in the window today.
I wanted to put it on and prance around a ballroomfloor under golden lights floating like a princess.
And you're right.
You'll never be that dress in the window.
You'll never fit around my frame more flattering.
No dress could possibly be more gorgeous,
No dress would ever be more perfect because I'm convinced that the dress in the window was made just for me.

I saw that boy in thw window today.
I wanted him to be mine and love me and kiss me from dawn to dusk.
Adventure together and share feelings never shared before.
And we'd never argue, but never get bored.
He would always know the right thing to say.
And I know you're right; you'll never be like that boy in the window.

No boy could ever compare to him.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[May:] In a little while.
I'm past the point of being saved by you anyone.
I'm past the bleeding stage.
I've bled all I can in the past couple of years or so.
Yet, memories of you still linger through gentle breezes of hatred and hardship. Unsurpassable by your thought of achievement.
I've accomplished more than you could ever dream in the fantasies that you put yourself through on a day to day basis.

"When will I know?"
"Oh, you'll know."

And let the chips fall where they may, but I will not be standing in that rain when it comes.

I will be safe in your arms.

And nothing else will matter but that moment of his passing; I can finally let go and no longer be tortured by his deamons.
When that day comes,
I will be invincible.
I will be infinate
i will be free...

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[June:] So then I took my turn.
These tears falling down from my eyes to my neckline are your own way of
choking on the blood that is the preservative to your most inner desire to kill.
Yes, it is all your fault.
This is all your fault.

I'm all your fault.

I'm a tidepool spraying ocean mist in your face so softly that you breathe it in with a warm smile and look down at me like there's nothing wrong. I'm deeper than you give me credit for; I'm full of salt, toxins, chemicals, oils, dumpage, etc.
Yeah, I'm hungry. I'm trying to cleanse.
You don't understand what it's like to be undressed in the minds of hundreds of rabid wolves on a day to day basis. Ripping my clothes off with thier teeth and fucking me until I can't hear my own screams any longer. Barks, whistles, kisses, faces; unwanted and all make me so queasy to the point of..
I can't go anywhere in public, no matter what I wear without being tormented.

I can't wait to get the fuck out of here.

Someday, I'll be gone into a land so far away that you'll never hear of me again, and I may be surrounded by people and happy, or alone and miserable. Even the latter sounds more pleasing as long as I'm not doing it here.
Never rule out the option of escape because with escape comes freedom, with freedom comes..
Endless possibility.
As far as you and all of your friends, go ahead; laugh at my expense.
Just know that if you torture me long enough, I will get my seeking revenge...
Just like she did on him.

If you need me, you can find me hiding in the darkest corners of the city.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[July:] That's the story of my life.
The peircing stinge of your tounge against mine has the heat from the glow of a thousand torches.
Cool, damp caverns of your blissful melodies will fill me with that empty sense of feeling.
You're obsession with darkness is minimally cliche.
Lustful desire won't hold you back now.
Plunge into me. Dive into me like a swimming pool when you don't realize I'm a waterfall.
No one realizes that these are the best days that we'll ever have.
That yellow heart in the window is getting dirtier every single day.
Pulsing breezes connect the dots and yahtzee.
But now, I'm just being random.
Straying away from the point is what I do best.
But I'm avoiding those words goodbye.
You don't really understand, but the grass isn't always greener on the otherside.
Kind of depends on how you look at it, really.
What a complex creature, you.
Like something that people stare at and do a double take as they walk by.
How odd, you.
And I'm just kind of jumbling puzzle peices together as if it were really that simple.

Have it how you will.
I'm the Dj.
Spin your tune.

You won't understand this when you read it anyway.
I thought you were smarter than that.
I'm sure you are, but you just don't care to take the time to look harder.
Look closer, love!
Don't just let my words skim over your tounge.
Take them into effect as I've taken you.
I'm just trying to love something that won't let go.

You dug your nails deep into my heart and you're pulling them away as if you want them back, and I know you do. I know you want nothing more than to run away and never have to deal with any of this again, but you've sunk them so far down that you can't get them out and you're just pulling and pulling and the more you pull, the more my heart bleeds. And it hurts. So badly. But you continue to pull because even though I've given you my heart, you've taken it for granted just like everyone else I've ever given my heart to, but I'd really like that back because I'd really like to give it to someone else. Someone more deserving. Someone who will keep it in a beautiful glass jar upon his shelf next to the flowers I arranged and next to something beautiful like a painting of a girl underneath an hourglass figure. But not you. You just kept digging and now you can't get you out. Hark!

Oh well.
It still hurts.
I've felt all I can feel and now I'm just numb.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[August:] Remotely Queued.
Tonight I want nothing more
Than to lay across your chest
Against your warm flesh
And feel the way I've felt this love before.

And I want to feel infinite;
Divine in your kiss.
The flutter of eyelashes will tickle your cheek.

We'll listen to
Acoustic guitars
And lovely harmonizing voices swirling through the room like
Magic farie dust captivating sparkling joy above our heads.

I'll kiss you, soft.
Starting from the rim of your neck and down to the base of your abdomen.
Almost going all the way but then stop.
And you would probably look down at me and call me a tease.

But not tonight because:
This is my dream.
This is my wish.
This is my love.
This is my kiss.

This is my moment
Of the infinite abyss.

Tonight there will be
No sex, no candy, no lies
Just you and me
And our beautiful eyes.

And we'll meet half way across our noses
Snuggled together
Delicate as roses.
You'll hold me forever.

And of course you'll be beautiful
Much more so than me.
But tonight is my night
So I will worship you
And you will do the same thing, more so to me.

Your body will be so angelic,
Half expecting you to be laying on
Beautiful dawn white feathers.
But you cannot help but kiss me all over mine
And insist that I'm ever so beautiful.

And of course then I'll ask that cliche question:
"What are you thinking?"
But not to break the beauty of the silence.
Not as a conversation starter.
But because I genuinely want to know what thought
Could possibly be swimming through that glorious head
That rests against mine.

And you would probably answer, "Nothing really,
I'm just relaxed."
But not tonight.
Because this is my moment
Of the infinite abyss

Tonight you would say the correct answer.
And that may be, "I'm thinking of the world and everything in it
And how beauty is justified in each crevice intertwirled with
human emotions: love, hate, anger, sorrow, happiness and contentment.

I'm thinking about how the world is in no comparison to you,
But I can still find beauty justified in each crevice of your body.
Through your belly button to your inner thighs, to your earlobes and the
indent of your lip.
And how the only human emotions that could come of it is beauty, euphoria, and love."

"But beauty isn't an emotion."

"It is when I feel you."

I'll smile and tell you that, "I love you so much that
Even though the stars in the sky look down and see everything and know everything
They couldn't explain or even fathom the amount of love that I have for you and why."

And you'll just say, "Well that's funny because I feel the exact same way."

I'll roll over and turn the other way
so you can hold me until the
sapphire sky turns a soft orange
And the stars send us our goodnight kiss because:

This is my dream.
This is my wish.
This is my love.
This is my kiss.

This is my moment
Of the infinite abyss.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[September:] When we started walking, I was in the 1940's...
An unkempt eloquence.
Quixotic in her toxic shine.
Unsurpassable gestures of your torturous eyes.

Isotonic blue shattered through the rays of
battery-powered stars.
I'll pick every little word so carefully because
That's the way you like it.
But how and/or what am I supposed to say when you don't answer the phone?
So you say you need time?
Then how long is it going to take for you to realize the beauty that is pleading for your love?
Staring at you...
Square in the face.
See backdated entry and view comments here.

[October:] 123456.
Your taste is
Still on my lips
Under my tounge
Beneath my breath.
Your scent is
Still on my shirt
In my hair
Around my presence.
Your body is
Still engulfing mine
Engaged into me
Blanketing my essence.

Your sensual expression
is more than enough
for me to keep going
until you've climaxed
tripumphing pleasure
beyond all demand.

I'm starstruck within your kisses.
Just close your eyes
Throw your head back
And squirm with pleasure.

Tell me that you love me
Without saying a word.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[November:] I'll be in the ocean, waiting.

I'll be in the ocean, waiting.
Fortune finds whoever finds it himself.

Stop sulking and suck it up.
I forgave you.
For all that you've done.
Even though all this time
I knew you knew you were the one.

I hold your head in my hands and
Kiss you goodnight.

There's nothing to do here.
I come back with hopes and dreams
And you let me down again.
But that's okay.
I'm leaving you anyway.

So I'll be in the ocean waiting.
Whenever you choose to wake up and see.
Catching the waves and the sun rays.
In a paradise where you could be too.

And I'll travel the world all over.
And come back to paradise each time.
You'll cry everynight that I'm gone.
Because I won't be back for you.

But I'll be in the ocean, waiting for you
To come to me.
You'll find me when you find yourself.
Because fortune finds whoever finds it himself.
And I'll be in the ocean, waiting.

See backdated entry and view comments here.

[December:] I love just wearing a bra and jeans..
I can't wait to have my vegetarian husband to cook yummy vegetarian food for me.
And I'll be skinny just like him.

And when we're married, we won't be spending our evenings on the couch watching the nightly news together and shaking our heads.
Instead, we'll be outside on the patio of a coffee shop, sat at an umbrella table.
Or he'll be driving me around and we'll be looking at lots of pretty twinkly things like stars and city lights.

He won't have a mohawk forever, but while he does, I'll feel extra cool holding hands and linking arms with a boy that has a mohawk, a banana republic sweater, and black horn-rimmed glasses.
We'll walk like that together everywhere and maybe I'll get my glasses fixed or even get new ones so I could look like I belong with him.
And maybe I'll even spike my hair into a mohawk too.

I'll honor him and cherish him forever as a person, not as some traditional emotional entity.
Because sometimes when the same words are repeated over and over, they lose thier charm.

So concluding that, we'll even write our own wedding vows.
But they won't be cheesy.
And his will sure as hell not have been written by his best man..
..or his mother.

They will have a certain poetic justice about them just like the language that we speak to each other.
These words will be read at dusk on our wedding day as the sun sets over the ocean and creates a mist of beautiful colors splashed across the sky.
Because I've seen the sun dissapear behind the mountains too many times.

And this sun setting will symbolize an ending to part of our lives and the beginning of the next chapter.
A chapter full of serenity, calming soothing peace of the night.

I miss you so much.

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