Just got some stuff to say.
1. F-locking.
I think probably all future Crystal River/Camp Wilderness bits will be friends-locked. They're getting more personal, and it just makes me a bit nervous that anyone out there could read my stuff. I cant really explain it, but hopefully you'll understand. Happy to friend people-please just ask!
2. Spelling and Grammar
I know my stuff is full of typos and errors. I apologise. I think I have deduced that a 'beta' is someone who proof reds stuff, but I have no idea how I get a beta and how beta-ing works. So you're stuck with just me. I do read through things and I do use the LJ spell-checker, but we both miss things. Plus my spelling is English-style not American so there will always be those 'mistakes'. I just cant write 'color' instead of 'colour' etc or put 'z' instead of 's' in a lot of words, so you'll have to forgive me.
I know I dont reply to all of them. Indeed, I hardly respond to any. I should but I dont. I can only apologise. Most of it is shyness (what to say?), part of it is my computer's stubborness in letting me log on (it's easier to just read them without logging on) and part of it is laziness! But rest assured I do read all the comments, and appreciate them, even if I never say so!
4. Jack.
I know some people dont like my Jack-thinking he's too soft or slow. Or indeed that my whole story is too sickly-sweet. So be it-you cant please everyone. All I can say is I do like angst and edge-so long as it works out ok in the end-but I am not so good at doing it myself. After Jan 22nd I could never bring myself to do anything to Ennis, and I've already been fairly mean to my Jack, so mostly everything stays on the happy sunny side because I dont want to go the other way as it may well send ME the other way, and I dont want to be sad or depressed more than normal! Here I am getting personal again, but I started writing coz I wanted to give J and E the chance they never got in the original story. I was, and always will be a Jack person. Because I love Jack, I guess I must *be* Ennis and in order for me/Ennis to have a purpose I think I need to be there for and look after Jack. Really Jack doesnt need looking after but in order to feel worthwhile and for there to be any point/plot to it all, there has to be some dynamic, and if that has come out as Jack being weak and sappy then that's just the way it is. I actually think my Jack is pretty strong and gives as much to Ennis as Ennis gives to him, but if there wasnt need on each side then there wouldnt be much to write about.
I dont know if that makes any sense? I cant explain it, but basically, J and E evolved themselves and if my ones arent to your taste, then fair enough. They work for me so I dont see them changing much anytime soon!
5. Smex
I said ages ago during the writing of CW that I cant write sex scenes which is why they are mostly absent from my stories. This hasnt changed. Dunno, I just dont know enough to write about it comfortably! I know PG ratings arent as fun as R ones. Sorry.
I think that's everything off my chest. Hope I havent hurt anyone's feelings or upset anyone, and hopefully you'll all stick with me! Next post will be some story I promise!