Apr 26, 2004 20:45
Kevin in my boyfriend, kind of. We met and then moved really fast and then we just broke up last week but now were just dating. The reason why we broke up was cuz he doesnt call me ever and he stopped doing sweet things and it almost seemed like he would rather have hung out with his friends then me...so i was over it. But now whenever we hang out he's still all over me and says he loves me. And at first he was calling me a little bit but then 2 nights after we broke up and him saying that he still would do anything for me and what not, we were sappost to hang out and he ditched me. he didnt call or show up, he called me at like 11 when i was asleep and it turns out he was selfish and he didnt want to feel like shit that night so he waited till we came home first to call me. Im so confused though cuz whenever we do hang out he acts like were still a couple. Its not like i put up with this shit or want a guy that doesnt want me, but he's just really weird and confuses the fuck out of me. What would you do in my postion?