i saw your face before it changed.

Jul 17, 2004 02:03

well after four days off straight, i now have four days of work straight.
not too shabby..
then one day off, then two days of work. although, one of these days i want to try and get off.. i need to ask my boss how i go about doing that. i think i need to find someone who can take the shift for me.
then another 4 days off.
mind you.. this is subject to change at anytime. where i work is so disorganized.
i also recieved a check in the mail for $56.. yaaa.. tax credit.
in other news..
i can't believe that july is half over. honestly.. this month is going by so quickly.
it's a month and 10 days til i'll be back in halifax.. that's really really soon.
i'm sort of now dreading going back .. well. not dreading going back.. i'm just aware now that they're are a lot of situations that my entire house has to deal with as soon as we get there.
like kat now dating mike
and nadya being pissed and not talking to either of them
and lisa being heartbroken
and the issues nadya has with jenn.
honestly. if i dont become a hermit by the end of the year in our house.. i'll be suprised.
i'm glad i'm in the basement..
at least it's somewhat removed from the second floor.
oh well.
it's amazing how fast time pasts while you're working and keeping yourself busy..
these past days off have seemed to last for forever. like i said in my last post.. i don't understand how i spent an entire month doing nothing.
i find myself bored after a few hours by myself. it's not good.
i was supposed to go to ikea with kat today but somehow she never called me back when i called at 1:30. le sigh.
oh well. i went and saw part of a midsummer night's dream tonight with alison her mom and amanda. it was really.... bad..they had singing in it.. when there shouldn't have been singing and it just made me miss our production (the one done at lorne park.) oh well.
we left at intermission.. there had been a guy who was chain smoking 2 rows infront of us, and the smell of that mixed with the smell of muskol gave me a huge headache. i had to come home early after that and i felt like i ruined everyone's evening.
i read some of the timetravellers wife tonight.. my mom leant it to me considering she's had my copy of anna karenia for well 2 weeks now.
i dislike how she stole that book before i could read it.
i bought it.
she ripped the cover, and so i told her she had to get me a new one.
i dont appreciate things that i havent even read/used yet being ripped.
she said she didn't mind getting me another one and that she was sorry.
my brother's show is coming up on wednesday... grrrreat.
no one wants to come do they?
it's one of the supernova shows.
this week i've been having issues sleeping.. and i'm not exactly sure why to be honest it's like something is keeping me awake for no reason.
i really hope i dont fall into a sleeping problem again.. that would NOT be good.
for some reason i feel really bitchy. and i dont know why. this week hasn't been all that great.
having to deal with certain things and people has taught me a lot of lessons.
i really shouldn't trust humanity the way that i do.
most of the time people just take advantage of you.
which is not cool. at all.
i feel like i'm just rambling now.
and i feel like i have a lot on my mind when i really don't.
maybe that's my problem, after 8 monthes of extensive mental stimulation, i've gone to nothing but a few books to read for entertainment, and mindless activity at work
oh well.
maybe i should try and get some sleep.
i apologize for the really long entry.
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