Mar 02, 2005 20:19
well in my last entry that was before the adventure... me n dean walked to mcdonalds (milford rd.) it was amazing... things came out of the woods and raped are butts... and then we had to climb a mountain with jagged rocks everywhere at the top of the mountain was a 60 ft. fence we had to climb and then we had to travel through 10 ft. of snow with sharpened sticks in the bottom stabbing us with every step, then finally we reached mcdonalds (some things in this story may be exaggerrated) we then order are breakfast and orgasmed while eating it.. it was so delicious, amazingly good, UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! and then we rested after are feast, we fell asleep in the mcdonalds booth... it was fun, then the manager was like hey bitches dont loiter and so we got up and left... the long walk home we took wardlow instead of m59 cuz were pimps. we finally reached deans house and slept for a long time, cuz were pimps.