Alrighty, I bring you my first ever wallpaper tutorial! This is a very simple wallpaper, because well my tutorial skills pretty much suck so I didn't want to try anything too hard.
Okay, today kids we're going to be making this:
Before we start, a few details you may need to know:
1.) Tutorial was made for PSP 8 so I don't have a clue whether it will work on other programs
2.) This is aimed to help you, not help you make exact copies of my work. For this reason I will not be actually giving you the brushes I use, but I will credit where credit is needed.
3.) This wallpaper is for adding effects not blending so if you don't know how to blend, look for another tutorial first.
4.) Pictures used in wallpaper from
house_daily 1.) Open up the blended wallpaper (duh) and also open a blank 3x3 pixel image with a transparent background. You may want to minimize the wallpaper for a moment to work with the other one.
2.) On the 3x3, grab the 1 pixel brush and, set at 100% oppacity, draw 3 dots diagonally down the teeny image (zoom in first of course) in a dark blue. I chose #0B2839 but this changes everytime. Here's what I got:
3.) Minimize this and maximize the wallpaper again. Create a new layer and set it to difference. On the materials pannel, click on the color square and go across to pattern. Magically, anything open at the time is now a pattern there, so select the 3 dotts one (it should now look like a bunch of lines) and make sure the angle is set to 0%. Click ok and floodfill the difference layer on your wallpaper with the pattern. You may want to change the opacity of the layer depending on the image you chose. Merge all layers
4.) Before this, I have usually chosen a theme. This one I have gone for a sort of magic and cute theme, and my brushes reflect this. I chose my favourite sparkly one (I don't know who made it, but if you recognise it, tell me so I can download more, it rocks! Oh and of course credit...) and created a new layer set to dodge. I played around with the brush opacity and rotated it until I had a layer I was happy with. Don't go overboard with the brushes.
I did the same with a couple of other brushes, a butterfly and some text brushes (again... I don't know who they are by so please enlighten me!).
5.) I was happy with it, but it still looked a little to dull. I created a new layer at softlight and then filled it with this gradient:
Much better!
6.) Next I added text. In blippo light SF, size 48, white, I wrote 'jessifer' (Jesse Spencer & Jennifer Morrison) and put a 2 pixel black stroke around it. I have to admit, I don't like this bit it didn't go quite right, but if you play around with it you should be able to get it how you want.
Next, under this, in blippo light SF, size 10 , white, I put the lyrics to the first verse of 'Do You Believe In Magic' (by Aly & A.J.... dunno who sang the original lol) to fit in with my theme. This time I did not put a stroke around it, but instead went to effects> drop shadow and played around with it until it was how I liked it.
7.) After merging it all, I duplicated the layer and set it to overlay. Jennifer's face in the bottom picture was too light though, so I changed the saturation (ctrl + h) to -40. Merge it all, and hooray, you've made wallpaper!
Any questions, feel free to post away!