Jan 10, 2006 01:19
2005 was probably the worst year of my life. Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. But now it is a new year and that means that it is time for a fresh start. 2006 so far has been nothing but good to me. I guess the number '6' is my lucky number. Not that I have been lucky lately, but there is a different feeling in the air so far in this new year. Since this year has started, everything has been smooth sailing for me. I am actually calm and content and nothing can bother me. I have been hanging out with wonderful people lately, and they truly are some wonderful friends. I would do anything for these people and they would do anything for me. I am now straight edge and don't even drink anymore. Yah, I really am different this year. I had a wakeup call with drugs not to long ago, and almost died..... I watched myself falling apart while my best friend was across the room crying her eyes out thinking I was going to die as well as my other friends. So I am lucky and thankful to be alive, and I will not abuse my body anymore. I have been so selfish in my past. I was always fucked up on alcohol or drugs and I never truly realized that I don't need that shit to fuck me up to make me happy. As stupid as the saying may sound, I can be high on life.l I have more fun being sober and hanging with my friends than all fucked up on substances. Life has a funny way of working itself out. When things get the best of you and you don't think that things can get any worse and don't seem like they are ever going to go away, life slowly but surely smooths out and becomes okay again.. and that is where I am right now. I am content. I am fine. I like it this way. I have a feeling that this year may be better than the last. :)