Aug 23, 2004 22:45
I just finished watching Little Women. I love these kind of movies. At the same time I hate them, as if I were not enough of a dreamer as I am. But every time I see them I think of how close the main characters are to their love. Makes me miss my love, very much. I'm such a sentimental bowl of mush sometimes.
I'm so bad about it, I always one way or another, wind up comparing my self to one of the characters. Makes me want to purse my love for writing again, though my English as a whole is atrocious now. I guess it's just more motivation to make it to college sooner. Baby steps, got to finish my ged first, I don't care how many odds are against me for everything. As long as I full heartedly and without a doubt embrace my dreams and those I really care about and love truly believe in me, I can do anything, because if not for me, I'll do it for them!