Jul 04, 2012 10:27

To my fellow Americans: Happy 4th of July! I wish there was no such confining thing as distance, and we could all just plop down on a couch and watch National Treasure and Independence Day together. And vote on whether Riley Pool or Sean Bean's character is the best part of the movie. (I vote Sean Bean, anyway. Always Sean Bean.) No need to vote on the best part of Independence Day--hands down, that's Will Smith talking about wanting to be at a barbecue instead of fighting aliens.

To my fellow Gackt fans: *HUGS* Gah, this is one emotional b-day, for him and his fans. I was close to crying reading amaia's translation of his b-day blog post--and I pride myself my ability to avoid getting all mooshy and stuff.

Maybe I'll read a few pages of The Federalist Papers or something today. (I actually enjoy reading it--when I can tear myself away from reading fiction or stuff about ancient Egypt and ancient Gaul.) I feel like doing something special, especially since there's a chance I might miss fireworks this evening. I'm closing at work, and while we close at 8, if it's been rough, we might not even get out of there till 9. I'm crossing my fingers that business will be dead today--especially after 6 p.m. Maybe then corporate will see fit to not insist on keeping the store open as late as possible.

I know--I'll read The Federalist Papers while listening to my Mars album. :D

Stay classy, everybody!

holiday, holiday greetings, gackt, happy bday, independence day

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