Time for Ramblez, Preciousss

Mar 09, 2012 15:48

Apparently, yesterday was International Women's Day? Meh. Why celebrate half of the population of the world for only one day? Personally, I think every day is International Women's Day, because we rule. :)

I've been getting a little more free time lately, so I've been putting it to use researching ancient cultures, partly for fun, partly for historical content to play with in the backstory of my current WIP. Thanks to some excellent books on Caesar, Cleopatra, and ancient Gauls and other Celtic cultures, I think I know which direction I want to steer things. Now the burden is on me to keep the plot flowing, and not bog down the entire story with fangirling about ancient cultures. That's . . . going to be tough.

Also, I need to re-watch the version of Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor again. Or maybe not. Every time I read the name "Antony", in my head I always hear, "I like almost all Greek things," followed by, "As an almost-all Greek thing, I'm flattered."

In closing, I've started work on my elven cloak for wearing to the midnight premier of The Hobbit later this year. (Why is it still nine months, preciousss?!) I've been wrestling with stuff for a while, and all I've got to show for it is some pretty chalk markings to give me a hint I should probably start cutting the fabric. Guess I should go . . .

ancient cultures, elven cloak, fangirling, rl, sewing, research, wip, crafting

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