More Memes!

Feb 21, 2012 16:27

Meme snagged from xselfishlovex.

Pick a word that starts with the first letter of you first name:

Without saying names say something to three people.
What time is it in your time zone?
You can never eat too much chocolate.
What the heck is up with the new YFC album covers, anyway?

Is your profile private?
Nope, I don't think so.

What’s something that always gives you the chills?
The soundtrack of the Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Do you do your own laundry?

What do people think about you that isn’t true?
That I'm trusting, I guess? But I'm not.

How many months until your birthday?
Plenty. :D

What are you listening to?
Nothing at the moment.

Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
Depends on the mistake.

Name the first person you can think of that you know that has a tattoo?

Is there a guy who knows everything or just about everything about you?
A guy? Nope. Not unless you count my book characters that I'm always arguing with inside my head.

Do you like winter time?

What was the last movie you saw?
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.

Did you ever lose a best friend?
No. But I don't get to see my current real life BFF very much anymore.

Who is the first girl you’d go to if there was something wrong?
My Mom.

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it?
Nope. Wanting and having are two different things.

Do you like to cuddle?
Ah, no. I've never been physically affectionate, not even with loved ones.

Are you ticklish?

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Probably when I was out driving and watched a moron speeding like his wife was going to have a baby.

What’s the best feeling in the world?
Feeling that you'll never have to worry about anything ever again.

Can you play guitar hero?
No. Not interested in the least.

How’s your heart lately?

Are you a jealous person?
I never feel jealousy, except when I see somebody wearing an awesome pair of boots or something like that. :)

Any plans for tomorrow?
Get right to writing, instead of procrastinating a few hours.

Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
What hoodie?

What was one thing you always loved at parks when you were little?

Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful?
I'd rather be called brilliant. Beauty fades; brains, hopefully, last you a bit longer.

What’s the last thing you laughed really hard over?
One of xselfishlovex's answers to this very meme.

Who did you call first this morning?
Call? As in phone? Or as in yell? I almost yelled at my sister for complaining that my alarm wasn't loud enough. XD

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
Does anybody actually fall asleep with a smile on their face? O.o

Any summer plans for 2012?
Write. Draw. Make icons. Sew an elven cloak for wearing to The Hobbit midnight premier in December. Write.

The last song you heard?
You Are the Reason by YFC.

How long can you go without your phone?
DAYS. I almost never use my phone.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
No. I wanted to snooze.

Are you missing someone?
Yep. My dad's stepmother. She was a remarkable woman, and I'd always meant to sit her down and write out all the stories she had, just to preserve them for future generations of the family. But she died last year.

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
I can't decide for the life of me. Way, way too many times I'd like to visit. Can I visit them all? *puppy eyes*

Are you the youngest person living in your house?

If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard, could you still type?

Do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school?
I was homeschooled. I had no classmates. (Which was one of the things I loved about being homeschooled. I was spoiled.)

Do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
I think there is good and bad in everybody, with emphasis on the bad. Selfish people will be selfish.

Anything you’re currently looking forward to?
A package coming in the mail. :D

Who was the last girl you saw?
My little sister.

Who was the last boy you saw?
One of my younger brothers.

Where will you be this time next year?
Dunno. We'll see.

Anything special happen today?
Not yet.

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?

What kind of shirt are you wearing?
Ruffly copper blouse.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
I don't cry very often, so I guess that's a yes.

How do you feel when the opposite sex cries in front of you?
Not many guys cry around me, except for those under 10. Usually, I'm thinking somebody needs a nap . . .

Are you the same as you were a year ago?

Has anybody ever given you butterflies?

Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad?
Yeah. While hosting kiddie parties at a bowling alley for my weekend job, some woman told a little girl to scramble up the bowling lane and pose for a picture. I wanted to scream. It's annoying enough that an adult encouraged a kid to do something dangerous on somebody else's property. It's annoying enough that the lane had to be re-oiled with a special machine that takes time and energy. But what really got to me was the utter thoughtlessness behind the action.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
Yeah. I've no intention of getting in a relationship that fizzles out. I'm looking for a life partner, not a fair weather friend.

Are you traveling anytime soon?
Maybe. We'll see.

Have you ever taken anyone/anything for granted?
My health. I always forget how great it is to be healthy until I get sick.

Do you tend to make things complicated?
Sometimes. With regard to writing, that's a definite yes.

Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My own.

Have you ever cried so hard you felt like you were going to throw up?
Yes. When I realized I wouldn't get my driver's license before my 18th birthday.

Do you think you cry a lot ?

Who was the last person you said I love you to?
Probably Mom.


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