I got a huge dose of that feeling yesterday.
I love reading novels about Prequel Trilogy Star Wars, and occasionally an Old Republic novel as well. Matthew Stover's Revenge of the Sith is SHEER BRILLIANCE. His work will be my role model for any and all sci-fi I choose to write.
I've always been fascinated by Darth Sidious and his cunning, so naturally I've been waiting eagerly for books about him and his master to come out, enduring the Darth Bane trilogy as a necessary evil to tide me over.
Guess what? A new book about Plagueis and Sidious is out!
Here it is on Amazon. And I didn't even know about it until my brother told me he saw it in Wal-mart! I should have known about this a long time ago, considering I've been waiting for years.
Now I'm feeling guilty. I've been so busy obsessing over J-rock (I'm trying not to glare at my Gackt icon right now), I missed that special, acute feeling of ZOMG how am I going to survive until this thing comes into existence?
Maybe missing that is a good thing. Oh, who am I kidding? That agony is what fans live for! We revel in that pain.
And, no matter how hard I try, I can't even Force-crunch random objects to soothe myself. (Yes, all Star Wars fans know there is no such thing as Force sensitivity--in the real world, at least. But that doesn't stop us from still trying.)
I think, as soon as I'm off work later today, I'm going to mosey on over to Barnes and Noble and just read feverishly for a few hours. And if they don't have that book there, I AM going to learn how to Force-crunch something.