May 20, 2014 23:16

As usual . . .

[ANGSTY SPOILERS]EVERYTHING IS CURSED AND EVERYTHING HURTS. How in blazes do you guys manage to kill off a Winchester almost every season, and still make us cry every freaking time? Writers. I should hate them, but I want to be of their ilk--no, I WILL be one. Metatron better die a very horrific death, and not in the rather anticlimactic way that Abaddon went.

Out of the usual . . .

[SPOILERS DIVIDED BY ANGST AND ANTICIPATION]ZOMG THEY ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE DEMON!DEAN PLOTBUNNY. We've been teased with that over the seasons, but I never actually thought they'd go there. BUT THEY DID. And while it's a delicious opportunity to bring an awesome dynamic to a show that was starting to get a little jaded, IT STILL HURTS. Dean deals (or doesn't deal) with more than enough crap already; even though he kinda deserves this, IT STILL ISN'T SITTING WELL.

All I know is this. 1) Dean can never, ever, EVER give Sam crap about his affinity for demons and their blood again. 2) HIATUS IS GOING TO BE A NEW KIND OF HELL EVEN WE "WAYWARD SONS" AREN'T READY TO FACE. (I saw a suggestion on tumblr that we SPN fans call ourselves Wayward Sons. Of course I'm going to run with that.) 3) If Season 10 is going to be the last (perish the thought!), we're going out with a terrific bang.

finale, sam winchester, supernatural, feels, zomg, arg, fan stuff, dean winchester

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