1. Reply to this post with "fizzigood make feel nice" and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I was tagged by
rhoda_rants, so here goes! :)
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Comments 18
lol--bless, that is the truth. Oh, Aiden, I shall never doubt you again. But even he can't make me watch the Mortal Instruments movie.
I randomly thought about making icons from the first Captain America movie, and then naturally ended up using an awesome base of Peggy.
Is that what that one's from? I still haven't seen it the whole way through. A bit too Americana for my tastes, but I really ought to give it a fair shot.
He's one of the few Sith that, even if you stripped him of his Force abilities, is still an incredibly manipulative and clever force to worry about.
Yes. He is a Chessmaster, for sure. Sidious is awesome. (Review pending--I'll be gushing when I get to "Revenge" and again for "Jedi," I'm sure.)
A bit too Americana for my tastes, but I really ought to give it a fair shot.
Yes, I think you should. It's not exactly a good movie (basically a way to establish Chris Evans' take on the Cap so we already know him by the time Avengers rolled around), but it has its merits. Couldn't stand Evans as Johnny Storm, but I adore him as Captain America.
Also, I've been meaning to ask you if you've seen Thor, The Avengers, or Thor: The Dark World? I'm dying to know what you do or would think of Tom Hiddleston as Loki, what with your affinity for tricksters and all.
Review pending--I'll be gushing when I get to "Revenge" and again for "Jedi," I'm sure.Yay! Are you going to be watching the original trilogy as it was when it first aired in theaters, or are you going to be *gulp* watching the version where Lucas meddled with stuff a lot ( ... )
It's not exactly a good movie (basically a way to establish Chris Evans' take on the Cap so we already know him by the time Avengers rolled around), but it has its merits.
Interestingly, that's kind of what I suspected. I mean, after seeing his shield in Iron Man 2, it was like, "Oh, okay, they're hitting the multiverse now, aren't they?" Which is great, but still. I'll add to the Rent From Library list.
I have seen only Thor, and for some reason have not been able to get to either The Avengers or Dark World. I dunno why, because I remember being super-excited when I saw trailers for both them. I guess between John Carter tanking like hell, and the shooting at the Dark Knight Rises premiere, I just got a little burnt out on superhero stuff. (Yes, John Carter is a superhero. They called them "pulp" heroes back then, but same thing ( ... )
See, this is why distance is a killjoy. Because I'd love to just marathon all three of those with you and blather away about all my favorite moments.
Hmmm, you've got a good point about Chessmaster vs. Trickster (he's definitely not like the Joker). But Loki does get tricksier and tricksier as the movies progress. Not full-out LET'S RELEASE MAYHEM JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT, but still, tricksy, yessss. The Avengers is flat-out my favorite superhero movie of all time, even if it doesn't have my favorite superhero, just because it's amazing how the story managed to skillfully juggle all those superheroes at once. And The Dark World is just a celebration of Thor and Loki's epic bromance (awesome whether you ship them romantically or platonically). Seriously, those actors have a crazy awesome chemistry ( ... )
Ugh. Morticia Addams was my everything growing up and for the exact reasons you mentioned. Although I'm probably more of a Wednesday Addams these days.
Wednesday is awesome as well. (And dare I say a little easier to emulate?) Do you prefer the version of her in the TV show, or in the movies? I like both, but I gotta say, think Christina Ricci was perfect.
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Yeah, they tend to practically disappear once they grow up, don't they?
By new trilogy, you mean the prequel trilogy? *is confused*
Also: "fizzigood make feel nice" ?? (I'm obviously missing whatever reference this is because it makes no sense to me!)
I have no idea what the reference is supposed to mean. It came with the meme (though I suspect each new poster can change the phrase).
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