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The phrase "I can't even" sometimes gets on my nerves, and sometimes feels just right for the topic at hand, depending on my mood. Whenever Floor Jansen is concerned, it's spot-on. (Also, I really want that black and red outfit she's got in the video. It's fabulous. :D)
And I managed not to overspend during said shopping. (It's incredible how much self-control you can exert a few weeks after your dad gets laid off. It would be awesome, if it didn't suck.) Looky what I found!
Finding all of these excited me a lot (HIGH DEF PRINCE NUADA? YES!), but Bunraku really amused me, considering that I just watched a library copy of it last night. :) Now I just need to find Moon Child somewhere for $3, and I'll be all set, preciousss! (BTW, I forgot just how adorable G's Yoshi is. Dawwww.) I've never seen The Edge of Love, but that's no matter. It's got Cillian Murphy, and therefore must be nabbed for screencapping purposes.
Also, I'm determined to go ahead with my ideas for selling stuff on Etsy and eBay. For a while, I'd been seriously considering it, but felt I wouldn't have the time/resources to pull it off any time soon. But now my second job is going to have very slim part-time hours over the summer. So I've decided I'm going to brush up on my research, buy a nice printer for printing shipping labels, and devote summer to that. It's worth a shot. Worst case scenario, we'll have that new printer my Mom's been wanting for years. :)