Brightening Things Up a Bit

Jan 19, 2013 21:17

And I mean that figuratively. Still going to be semi-goth around here (or demi-goth, that sounds more fun). But I'm going to try to be more active here, even if that just means being random. In that spirit, I give you:

LJ Is Alive!
A Multifandom LiveJournal Friending Meme
Tumblr is great, but my fandom heart is in LJ.

That says it all. To anyone and everyone who joins my f-list because of said meme, greetings! Happy you could drop by. :)

In other words, I FINALLY watched the latest Ice Age movie. Dumb plot that can't compare to wit of the third installment, but there were great characters as usual (except for the boring villain). And I want more Diego/Shira scenes, dagnabbit! Took you people freaking long enough to find a girl for the character with the deep, sexy voice, as my Mom said. I am convinced Dennis Leary's voice is magical.

friending meme, dennis leary, random, ice age 4, ice age

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