So I almost got nailed today while driving, from both sides. My adrenaline is still going. So I just pass the stop light at the Newmark/Broadway intersection, with Sizzler on my right and Albertsons to my left. Well this blonde chick in a black Honda comes out of the intersection/ramp on the right like a bat out of HELL, waaay over the speed limit.
At the exact same time a white Ford F150 truck is in the median on my left.
Here's the MS Paint visual. Now what does any sane person do when you try to merge? Turn on your signal, slow down.. perhaps even stop? Not this psycho... He guns to match my speed and then bat from hell on the right swoops in inches from me making me stomp the brakes and add a "WTF is going on?" look to my face and at the same time, the F150 thinks this would be the wisest time to merge in front of me also, when AT THE SAME TIME, the Bat From Hell goes into the median TO TURN FOR FREAKING KFC
She almost totaled three cars for F'ing Chicken. What a bitch. Then when I come to work the guy at the front desk goes "I was behind you, those people were insane!"
Sigh. I HATE the drivers in Coos County. Retards!!!!