I'm working on a few pictures for chirstmas gifts... those will come soon.
And I also should have some photos of myself soon. I tried yesterday but I looked.. old or something. Not pretty. :-\
I am including two photos I took over the past few days:
The first is a view of the sky (and a little of the roof of our car) after it snowed.
This is the view from the drivers seat- it got so cold that there was frost on the Inside of the car..Odd. I think it looks neat though, like a horror show.
Another thing-
As of now I only have one thing up, but hopefully by the end of the night or even more likely tomorrow night- I should have more..
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5452371662&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 If it looks at all like anything anyone you know would want... think about it- easy christmas present!
Ok- done.
Enjoy, or not.