The Wonderful World of WoW.

Apr 13, 2010 21:30

World of Warcraft... a game millions are actively addicted to.  Where you can satisfy your escape of reality to have to deal with nublets in the fantasy realm.

That's why they have ignore options, thank God.

I'll probably be keeping track of a large number of people that you might want to avoid grouping with, assuming you do play.  First impressions can be a good or bad thing.  If you're listed on here and don't believe you should be, then comment or whatever.  Prove me wrong, please.

I normally play pretty nice.  If someone goes into a rant, I'm usually the one to feel ashamed that it's happening, or would rather not so we can keep the group going without arguing and name calling.  It's really stupid to be name calling in a game, especially over pixels and stuff.  When I'm posting these, I've usually been aggrivated to the point of frustration or anger because of stupidity (the people aren't stupid --usually -- they just do stupid things) or constantly act immature. If someone notices something in here that's doing the same thing these people in here are doing, let me know, I'll adjust it.

I'm gonna rearrange this not in order they happen, but by sections real soon.  It's getting too long..... lol.


The first 3 dishonorable mentions come straight from Kalecgos.

***1) Maow-Kalecgos - This guy was a death knight tank from the guild blood spec.  That's fine and all, I have no problem with competent DK tanks. Those being few and far between, (more on that later) this guy seemed to be pretty competent.  Until about halfway through CoT4, he stopped trying.  He removed frost presence and proceeded bouncing around the room.  All this while I was attacking the mobs, and of course I pulled aggro and died.  He went back into frost, picked up the mobs, and the healer rezzed me after they were clear.  Ok, he might have been distracted... no problem.  or maybe he didn't notice the 3 big black mobs attacking stuff right in front of him.  Or maybe he was letting Arthas kill them.  Ok, whatever.  We down the next boss and reach the gauntlet.  Without any warning, he charges into all the adds and pulls half of the gauntlet.  We're downing everything, except he's letting all the adds hate on the healer some, and dies.  We wipe.  He laughs, drops group.  The healer then tells me that he was butthurt because I was out DPS'ing and doing more overall damage than he was.  We were 79 at the time, I dinged partway through the dungeon for 80, even though I was still using level 76 rank spells. I just don't always train when I ding.

1a) Warlocks are SUPPOSED to out DPS the tanks.  If not, they either have a really overpowered tank, or a really crappy warlock, or a combo.  Short fights, it's hard for a lock to sometimes dish out massive DPS, ok thats fine, but not consecutively.  Stuff happens.  
          1b) If you're a tank, you shouldn't get butthurt because someone out DPS'es you.  The better the DPS, the shorter the fights, the easier it is on the healer, the happier everyone is with short clean fights.  Faster loot drops, etc.  
          1c) If you do get butthurt, don't be immature at it.  This guy failed at that.  Sorry, but you earned your dishonorable mention.

***2) nubbletaffy-Kalecgos - Tauren shaman.  Welcome to heroic Nexus! Guild
was doing less DPS than the tank.  Fine, just need new gear or a rotation check.  That's what easier heroics are for, gear and badges.  Practice helps too.  Fist problem was on the Commander Stoutbeard.  He used bloodlust... waste of it IMO but ok.  His macro yelled "BLOODSLUT IN YOUR FACE" an amusing misspelling of bloodlust, but ok.  Second outburst was when the tank said we needed to finish up the run fairly quick, because he had ICC25 in a few minutes.  Ok, I was sorta irked as well.  Don't get into a group if you don't think you have time to finish it.  That being done, HE LOVED TO USE HIS CAPS LOCK.  If there's a problem between your shift and tab buttons, don't type.  I think he realized eventually and took it off.  I make the same mistake, but not for 3 lines in a row.   After that, he began harassing the tank, spamming "faggot" repeatedly on the last boss.  Ok, that pissed me off. Don't spam that crap.  I don't mind if you're twelve and your mom lets you play with strangers online, but don't act like it.  The tank was nice enough to stay even though he wasn't quite crit capped yet.  Ok fine.  He blamed a wipe on the tank even though it was just an unlucky fear.  Yeah, should have pulled back, but you know what, stuff happens.  The constant bickering did it.  nubbletaffy, stop being a nub, and grow up. You have earned your dishonorable mention.

***3) Toomuchwow-Kalecgos - undead warrior.  Was doing even less DPS than nubbletaffy, in the same guild,
.  Same as above.  get some gear, thats fine.  Don't use "this is my 4th alt" as an excuse.  Do some research.  My 7th 80 was 400-600 higher than your DPS.  The tanks 4th alt was out DPSing you.  "You don't have a life" is not an adequate insult because you too are playing WoW.  Grow up.  Probably the same age as nubbletaffy (I'd guess about 12), and the one who most likely initiated the "faggot" spam.  If the tank had no life for having 4 alts, then what about you with your 4 as well? You have earned your dishonorable mention.

To finish up the named portion of this (more will come... trust me) I'll move to a more generalized posting.  If you know someone like this, or are someone like this, I mean you no disrespect.  Let me know, I'll help you with spec, item stats, etc.  there are pieces of gear that are the proper armor type for your class that are absolutely useless to you.  If you don't know what they are, then I can help you.

4) DK tanks.  Yes, DK tanks will generally earn a dishonorable mention.  Not all, but a good portion.  DPS gear + frost presence does NOT = insta-tank. Stop queuing as a tank if you can NOT tank!  I am sick of paying repair bills because you don't want to wait in a queue like everyone else!  "I'll be getting more tank gear after this run by quest turn ins" that's good but the problem is it's AFTER everyone dies multiple times due to your failures.  Having 20K HP does NOTHING if you eat every single hit thrown at you.  The purpose of a tank is to mitigate damage, not be a punching bag.  There is a difference between 'tank' and 'meatshield' and guess which one actually lives? Tank.  Blood and unholy "tanks" with no mitigation talents and no actual tank gear (defense... yes defense)  are the worst. If you want mitigation, go frost.  And actually pick up some of the mitigation talents, k?  They help you make a better tank.  Stop wasting my time with fail runs.  I had 5 tanks in a row the other day with DPS gear and frost presence on "OH HAI! I R TANK LULZ!!1!!"


I pointed out to one tank that he only had 3 pieces of tank gear and he actually had the audacity to correct me and say "No, 4."  I'm sorry, 1 more piece of tank gear isn't going to keep you from dying any faster than you already do.  And don't you DARE blame the healer for not being a good healer to be able to keep you alive when you can't mitigate anything.  Go do some freaking research and let me enjoy my game more.  I just want to kill pixelstuff.  Is that too hard to ask?

5) Hunters that wear spellpower/defense/strength gear.

5a) Spellpower does not help any of your shots.  It USED to help arcane shot way back in the day, but Blizzard fixed it.  Hunters killing everyone with 1 arcane shot is not a fun way to play.  It no longer stacks.  
          5b) Defense/strength gear does not benefit a hunter.  "It helps me live longer," is not a good reason to gimp your character.  If you melee as a hunter, you're doing something wrong.  Strength increases your melee attack power, not ranged.  Defense increases your dodge/parry/block (hunters can't block because they can't wear shields).  Your job isn't quite mitigation.  It's DPS.  None of those does SQUAT for your DPS.  Don't do it. Stack stamina.  The faster you kill something, the less damage it can do to you anyways, that's why you have a PET, let your pet tank for you.  If you pvp, you will be stuck in melee.  If you pve, there is hardly any excuse to ever melee.

***Raylegrock - Twisting Nether. Need ninja.  Needed all staves, cloaks, any gear that was mail... even with spellpower/strength on it.  "Oh it's an upgrade!" "NEED NEED NEED!"  Huntards stack strength/spellpower/defense.  Hunters do not.  This hunter had a 0/66/0 build, wore a nature protection helm, Enchanted Thorium Torque (dodge on it), Hive Comb Staff of the beast (strength on it), Regal protectorate (defense trinket), Guardian's Ringmail Sabatons (the SHAMAN ones with spellpower on them...), Guardian's Ringmail Girdle (belt with spellpower, same as boots, SHAMAN boots.) Not only were you slightly irritating, but you fail. Delete your hunter and make a sham if you like mail spellpower gear.  And no,Cloak of Bloodied Waters isn't a rogue cloak either.

6) Tanks who blame the healer for not healing them enough to keep them alive, when they have no mitigation.  Its your job as a tank to be easy to heal.  Am I wrong? No.  Mitigation = survival.  Best way to not take damage, is to not get hit.  Dodge > parry > block. Period. Block is NOT avoidance.  Stop claiming you have 98% avoidance.  60% sure, but 98% no.  Blocks take less damage.  Avoidance takes no damage.  See the difference?  You can mitigate all damage on an attack by dodging or parrying it.  You can mitigate partial damage on an attack by blocking it.  And when you don't dodge parry or block an attack, you eat it.  Do you have enough armor to mitigate the full amount of the hit so you'll still be reasonably alive afterwards? Tanking is more than just meatshielding.

***Pallyôfdeath-Kalecgos See above.  Though he didn't quite complain about being squishy, he decided his half heal set/non-existent tank set was good enough to tank Forge of Souls.  I suggested he get rid of his cloth spellpower gear (large amounts of it) for at least plate with something useful on it cheap from the AH and he said he was saving up for his dual spec.  1) Your first set fails period, so I guess you want to save up and have 2 fail sets, yay!  Next, You should apparently look up a rotation for prot tanking.  Exorcism is NOT a spell you should EVER use in your rotation.  When you cast anything as tank, you can no longer dodge/parry/block for that time being.  It doesn't help your threat for the 1.5 seconds you're sitting there idle, casting that.  And I'm sure you're not spell hit capped either, which I believe is 18%.  Your holy set does have hit gear, which heals cannot miss, and shockadins are dead.  You fail at everything.

7) Healers who blame the tanks when they don't have the proper stats to heal a level 15 through hogger at 80. You need spellpower.  Don't go into a heroic with 800 bonus healing and expect to succeed.  Yes there are some tanks who could probably solo a majority of trash pulls in several heroics.  I've seen it happen.  But the POTENTIAL of getting a tank like that is generally very LOW.  You need intellect as well.  Without int, you won't have enough mana to actually last through healing a fight.  Don't blame the tank when you run out of mana because you're undergeared.  Don't blame the tank when he dies because his 60% avoidance and 35K HP is too low.  We're talking HEROICS, not raids.  Standard Wrath of the Lich King heroics.  Not Icecrown. You need spellpower, intellect, and haste is generally pretty good too.  Critical strike rating is generally class dependent.  Don't just hit 80 and jump into every heroic you can with 800 bonus healing unless you have a very well geared tank friend who will run you through for gear. Just be aware the DPS know this.

More to come.


8) Tanks who are well geared, but intentionally pull more than they can handle and blame the healer when they fail and cause a wipe.  Don't get in too much a hurry and let your ego get so big that you think you can pull a whole instance at once.  Soon as Blizzard sees its possible = nerf.

***Scryér-Ursin from Don't bail on your group when a 5K GS healer can't keep you up because you decide to pull too many.  Your 42K HP didn't last long did it? I don't care if you're the best geared tank on your server, don't pull an e-peen competition to try and prove a point.  If you're just that impatient to finish a run 1 pull at a time, go to ToC5 where they limit the pulls for you.  I hope you enjoyed your deserter debuff.  Maybe if you stayed and took the pulls more cautiously, we could have finished the instance and gotten some badges in the same amount of time.  But it's ok, the replacement tank we got wasn't nearly as well geared, but we all lived, and finished the run within 20 more minutes.  If you are a good tank and I caught you on a bad day, sorry.  But be a little more considerate for your group next time, please.  And don't DARE blame the healer because you pulled multiple groups.  They were separated for a reason. Maybe next time we group, we can have a smooth clean run.  Hopefully.

***Harrybawlz-Moonrunner.    See above, although not NEARLY 42K HP.  37K didn't cut it either.

***Yopalodin - Wildhammer.   Don't start flaming on ANYONE with a low gear score in a beginner heroic.  Flex your e-peen somewhere else.  At least they could pick up ads you didn't even notice. The purpose of a tank is to hold aggro, and take the beating for your group.  There were specifically 3 different pulls where the low gear scored DPS had to pull off a healer and other DPS that you never picked up. Gear score and DPS are completely different things.  I would say 1500 DPS is a reasonable benchmark to lay for a lower-end heroic, and both were pulling over that.  If you disagree, then stop running low-end heroics.  Period.

***Iup - Maelstrom
***Stronghammer-Maelstrom - Don't leave in the middle of a run when your gear doesn't drop.  If I had the names of the many others that do it, they'd be here too.
***Derthod-Nazjatar (not liking this guild much already) Bailed as tank when he lost a roll on a DPS weapon.  
***Voeloes-Twisting Nether Bailing and spamming macros.
***Forgottin-Twisting Nether
***Ronox-Twisting Nether Bailing and spamming macros, and posting order of his sexual fantasies.
***Míssy- Sargeras Both bailed as soon as Eardric the Pure came out.  I guess he was too tough for them.

***Narnny-Azshara. It's considered polite to ask to roll need on offspec items before you do, especially if someone needs for their main spec.  Your main spec is the spec you are in when you set foot in the door and continue running in the group as.  You are tank, you don't roll main spec on DPS items.  That being said, I'm glad you invite yourself to roll main spec on both DPS and tank items while you only queue as tank, without asking or caring, and then QQ when someone rolls on a tank item.  I ask for items to need for offspec before I do, and if anyone else needs for main spec, I pass.  You might want to be a little more considerate next time.

***Jodas-Emerald Dream.  Unguilded, and I probably know why.  We hadn't even started pulling (everyone was buffing and getting their magefood/etc) when he starts saying "Pull more, NAO!" (just like that) and someone asked him if he was that impatient, he said yes.  Ok, that's fine I guess.  Then we get the first pull out of the way (a couple were still buffing or joined in halfway through) and he immediately said "you all fail, DPS is too low" and left.  ... ok I can tolerate a certain amount of ignorance but that's a bit retarded.  You can't always judge DPS properly on trash.  You can't always  judge DPS properly on the first pull either.  The ending results is this, based on the first pull druid, you failed too.  My DPS tripled over the course of the run and  if you would have stayed, I would've shoved those words right back in your face.  I don't run max DPS on trash with a  rogue, I Tricks of the Trade and Fan of Knives to the tank for aggro.  I don't go all out on trash, wait until a boss fight when I can get all my skills into my rotations.

***Azena-Lightninghoof. See above about tanks NOT defense capped (524 is not cap for heroics, 535 is) and blame the healer when they don't stay alive.  You also were standing in Sjonnir's lightning nova in H HoS.  You pulled the boss when the healer was at half mana, and called out for heals when he was oom.  You did not buff anyone until they specifically asked you to, you didn't even buff yourself.  Sanctuary yourself come on.  Never used any mitigation.  Shield block is not a good stat for pallies, at least not above dodge and parry, and you never once used sacred shield.  Oh, and do NOT gem strength for prot.  If you have aggro problems, you need better gear or a better rotation, period.  Oh I'm sorry. I just realized your shoulders were DPS shoulders, not tank.

***Naglan-Malfurion Half DPS gear and a caster trinket... queued as tank for Pit of Saron.... I'm sorry but dude you were squishy as I don't know what, 28K health and I KNOW you were not defense capped...

***Dkbloodz-Nazjatar See above as Narnny.  I certainly hope your tanking ability is MUCH better than your 1.6K DPS for your gear score that you SHOULD be doing 2700+ DPS in.  Then again, your fail spec may be to blame for that, and your lack of a good rotation.  Oh, and I hope you get banned for harassing the healer in the group like you did.  Ask to need on crap you're not specced for, especially when someone else needs it over you. Try your fail builds on a training dummy before you get into a group and do less DPS than the tank, and get all 3 glyphs that are useful to you, not 2 that are a waste to your build.  Pick one tree and go into it, not half in 2 different trees which really doesn't benefit anything you do. Oh, and before you claim you also tank, make sure and have a tank build.  You have a single spec, claiming you tank, and you have put ZERO talent points into anything resembling mitigation.  A 46/0/25 build is NOT DPS OR tank.  Oh, and the belt you ninja'ed had shield block value... useless for a DK.  L2P and enjoy your ban.

Paladins who do not pick up 2/2 in Judgments of the Just, Divine Sacrifice/Divine Guardian, and/or Vindication.  Those 4 things right there are some of your more serious mitigation points, PERIOD.  Judgments of the Just works on bosses, Vindication does as well, and you SHOULD be using sacred shield, insomuch Divine Guardian basically makes it much more effective. Pick those things up, and staying alive will be much easier.

***Azmael-Emerald Dream.   This isn't necessarily a bash against you, druid, but you left the group before the response was given.  You said "Someone might want to tell the lock not to AoE before we have aggro :/ "  That's indeed a rule of DPS, not to AoE before the tank has aggro.  I'm also sorry you couldn't have any aggro on the mobs you were attacking within 5 seconds, because I counted. The lock did not AoE DPS till after 5 seconds of you hitting the mob.  I'm sorry you couldn't get aggro in time. And I'm also sorry that I also noticed the lock DPSing a mob JUST ENOUGH to pull it off of the healer, while you were focused on the single mob you couldn't hold aggro on because the warrior stole from you.  I think I might know what your lack of survivability is though, so here's a couple tips.  Glyphs of Shred and Rip aren't bear glyphs.  Also, 2/2 in Shredding Attacks isn't a bear talent.  Neither is 3/3 in Improved Mangle. You're a hybrid spec, and won't be able to tank as well as straight bear.  You missed your glyph of Survival Instincts, and whichever other bear glyph you had to pick from.  I'm sorry you also didn't seem to understand swipe is you AoE threat ability.  You might also consider replacing some of those agility gems you have with some 30 stam gems to make up for your lack of HP you had at the time.  If I remember right, it was 32K buffed. For a bear.

***Xochipilli-Emerald Dream - Don't criticize DPS when they make a suggestion to you, and mock their DPS.  You told the rogue it'd be better for him to DPS than to criticize the tank, yet one pull earlier, you told the healer how to heal, when you pulled and he was out of mana.  "I need to watch the mobs on the screen not the little blue bars on the left." You're a fool.  You watch the mobs while pulling, and the little blue bars when you're not in combat.  But I guess you were too busy flexing your leet tanking e-peen to notice.  A real tank pays attention to everything that he can at all times.  If you can't keep track of your healers mana, how can you keep track of a mob loose from your aggro attacking the healer since, you know, you can't watch the little bars.  You might notice a healer dying if you glance at his life every now and then.  Might save a wipe, which you couldn't do considering we wiped... 4 times? Yes 2 of those were bad luck cause extra mobs got pulled (nexus horror fears, yes it happens) but the last 2 weren't any fault but yours that the heals either oomed cause you weren't paying attention, or the healer oomed cause you weren't paying attention.  You can dish out the "I'm leet and you're not" to your teammates but you can't take a simple suggestion to pull a certain group instead of charging in, which was a good one at that spot.  All that faceblock gave you brain damage.  Delete your bear.

***Zanyth-Ursin.   Immediately asked if he could need on the greens so he could level his enchanting.  3 of the 4 other players immediately said no, I gave no response.  He said he would need them anyways, I told him he was free to leave the group now.  One of the DPS chimed in and said hey that's great, we'll all need too.  Zanyth said he'd still be able to get all the plate since the clothies couldn't need.  So the DPS stayed back while he charged in, didn't get any aggro, and I didn't heal him.  It was glorious.  He bailed in the middle of the pull when he saw I healed one of the DPS that got stray damage, and not him, the DK went into frost presence, and he tanked long enough for a tank to join in queue.  We finished the instance with no death (minus the mage who pulled early and I couldn't heal in time) and very quick.  Good run, once the ninja left. I hate healing.  I love not healing a ninja and a douche.

***Gorregutzz-Wildhammer.  Another one of the run-of-the-mill e-peen flexing "I'm gonna boss everyone around and mock people when they don't do what I tell them to."  Randomly swaps roles in dungeons cause he feels like it, forcing the tank to become nothing more than a bystander and then mocks them for not pulling off him.  Hey, you want the acheivements somewhere, then build a group to do them yourself, don't use LFD.  Half the people don't care about stupid achievements, and it's nobodies fault that mass dispell didn't dispell.  Get over it.

***Blackhorrn - Dark Iron.  Pulling with heals at half mana, eating the face lazer on devourer of souls, and blaming it on the heals.  Learn to tank please.  I healed the fury warrior in less tank gear than you had, and we downed the boss with a DPS less.  Yes, I healed a NON-DEFENSE CAPPED FURY SPECCED WARRIOR WITH A SHIELD AND 26K HEALTH AND HE WASN'T AS SQUISHY AS YOU.  Enough said.

***Cleevige-Wildhammer.  It wasn't enough for the guy as tank to have 45K health and not take much damage.  It was too easy.  So he puts on his DPS gear to tank.  You're VERY lucky my sham was well geared enough to heal you through heroic ToC.  After eating a few 10-15k crits it wasn't enough for you to finish the second boss in DPS gear.  I'm glad you died.  I hope it was even more insulting the fact that the only other one to die was the mage, and the other DPS and I finished off the last boss for the remaining second/third phase.

***Leandër - Emerald Dream.  Typical fail paladin with half spellpower, 1/3 DPS gear and 1/3 tank gear, and roughly 22K HP fully buffed.  I didn't even try.  He pulled without paying any attention to his surroundings, or lack of the healers presence.  At about half his health left on the first 2 mobs in H DTK (about a second) the healer finished typing "you need REGULARS not heroics" and dropped.  I gladly took the 30 minute debuff to get on my shaman and run a heroic with a GOOD tank.  Thank you for being the very first failure experience I had for the night.

***Schismz-Sargeras.  When 2 DPS went down in H PoS on Forgemaster, the heals asked if it was really that hard to drop their stacks.  "I was only at 2 when I went down..." ok, and I guess you didn't see that 1 in front of it.  You never hid behind a rock, you never popped cloak of shadows, or anything.  Ok, that's fine. I guess heals can eat that one.  But when you drop group cause you can't move out of the poison nova on Ick? Ok whatever, I guess you really can't read.

***Valkyrus-Ursin 1/3 tank gear a couple pieces of pvp gear and some dps gear, in a dual wield blood spec?  a 53/8/10 build completely missing Dancing Rune Weapon, popping army of the dead on a boss fight and complaining when the tank can't hold aggro.  Your 1310 DPS didn't help out your "fail group" so much excluding the 2.8k DPS hunter and 3K DPS rogue and the 2900 GS prot warrior (who was still out DPSing you BTW) so before you start calling out fail at everyone, L2P.  If you were so leet, you'd know that Army of the Dead taunts their target, completely destroying a warrior/druid from building rage and being able to get aggro on the target.

***Adralin - Detheroc
  First off, if someone DCs, get over it. it happens.  Second, don't spam crap and call people retards when YOU'RE the prot pally in spellpower gear and DPS gear.  L2P noob.  And yes I WAS wind shearing so you could hold aggro better.  I even had to click off a couple of buffs.  And BTW, glyph of righteous defense is only useful if you're having to taunt a lot, which, well, you have to cause you don't know how to hold aggro to begin with. So I guess it works for you.  And another point, having to call the overgeared heals fail when nobody in the run died just to try and make yourself feel better about your own failures doesn't make you any better.  I really pitty you though cause your e-peen is too small to flex.  Try and actually socket some of your gear, you might be a little better off. Oh, and using the same ilvl 138 libram for healing AND tanking.... is fail.



Well, I'd stopped updating for a while because I stopped playing for a good while.  I came back after about 6 months that Cataclysm had been released... Some things had been helped, but there's one thing Blizzard won't be able to fix: Jerkish idiots.

***Nimitz-Warsong. Brewfest! Random group for the first time today, on my pally tank.  Decent specs, decent avoidance, tanked brewfest without any problem to date.  I get in, and look at the heals... still loading.  No biggie, I glance away, and then look back at the screen, and the hunter has started the event, all while the heals is still at the loading screen, and nobody else in the group was really paying any attention.  Chaos ensues.  I managed to get all the adds under control, but by this time my health was low, from the heals JUST having finished loading.  I pop my cooldowns, and then die.  I manage to get a battle-rez, but by this point, everyone has gotten enough aggro on the mobs I'm not able to pull them off easily. I managed to taunt Coren Direbrew, to which he shortly dies afterwards, but not without the loss of 2 DPS and the heals.  The hunter, still alive, then proceeds to call me a fail tank, and tells me to delete my toon.  I told him if he'd waited for the TANK to start the event as always should there'd have been no problem, to which he says "You suck, no appologies."  After he immediately leaves, heals ask for a rez and I give him a rez, and everyone in the group rejoiced over ignoring the hunter and thanking me for not being "an a**hole, like stupid huntards."  Everyone gave their goodbyes and appologized for the idiot, and left happily.  The healer stated he should've let the nimitz die, to which everyone else agreed. *edit* I just noticed his problem, he's a PvP hunter assuming he knows more about PvE than PvE tanks.

***Babyspice - Maelstrom See #6.  This guy was blaming the whole group.  He pulls when everyone wasn't in the door on the first boss (after just rezzing from being killed by the 2 giant snakes for not having his poison buff from the cauldron) and then proceeds to harp on the group because we wiped again when he pulled an extra unnecessary mob at the first frost cauldron, and died because he didn't have the mitigation to stay alive as the healer brought him back to full then died.  "We got some baddies in this group, 1 person can solo it, the extra mob didn't matter cause we were next to a cauldron" so hey, sounds like cauldrons are the new pally bubble, so go at it! And if one person could solo it, why didn't you?

***Fyrns-Sargeras - Unguilded and I know exactly why.  Full PVP geared marks hunter in 374 average ilvl at the time according to the wow armory site, and barely doing 9K DPS.  I'm sorry but all 3 hunter specs I play do that much -MINIMUM- in a 330 average ilvlv.  He pulled the first boss in Stonercore and started to gripe at the tank, throwing profanities for the tank not picking up the boss.  Next pull, he got too close to Razz when Razz was beating down the ads, and took some damage.  He then started to gripe at the healer for not healing him through it.  I HAD to chime in then and said "Hey, if you want to control the pulls then roll a tank, if you want to heal then roll a healer and "do it right." in which he proceeded to flame me on "playing a female toon and being gay," to which my response was "If being a guy staring at a girls butt all day is gay, then what does it make a male looking at a males butt all day?"  to which he could only reply that he wasn't gay.  I WILL give him credit though, that when he face-pulled the next time, he said not to blame the tank cause it was his fault.  Thumbs up for that one.  He completely killed it though when he need rolled on the 308 agi staff that dropped cause he needed to DE it and 2 other items for mats for an enchant.  Dude, don't sit there need roll on crap when nobody else is for their enchanting mats.  I was also an enchanter and had sufficient skill level for everyone to hit disenchant on every item that drops, but he wanted to make sure nobody else had that chance, so he was going to need on it and then DE it himself.  When the tank asked if everyone was ready for the boss pull, I told him "no, wait for a replacement before you pull" and I promptly dropped group.  Sorry but I'm not going to deal with that. Enjoy your block on all of my characters.

Pally heals and I got into a pug with these 3, and we informed everyone we had not been into the newer content yet, hadn't seen all the fights.  Nobody said anything.  We got to the boss, and after failing miserably, someone inclined to reluctantly give us info.  After the 2nd death (we made good progress) the druid, Iroll, mistyped in party chat (was supposed to go to guild) that since he didn't join up with someone else, he's being punished with a wipe fest.  Our healer informed him he wasn't getting any heals then, and we proceeded to kill the boss. We downed the boss and only had 2 melee deaths at the end of it (tank-Uzukonan-even chimed in and said that fight was hard on melee.  The druid didn't get a rez.  After that, he started trying to kick the heals saying his gear was too low (mine was even lower as DPS, healer was sitting at an average 360 ilvl) and then after I chimed in and said "If you come into a pug in newer content and don't expect a death or two, you're a bit retarded" to which was met with them trying to kick me.  It failed each time.  The heals and I stated that whoever wanted to leave do so and whoever wanted to actually finish the instance stay and so began a ten minute standoff on them trying to kick the healer and myself repeatedly.  Ahnri even tried to claim the "promote me to leader and I'll kick the druid" load of crap, in which he immediately tried to kick the healer again.  Smart move.  I can read, and your trying to make me think it was the druid you were trying to kick failed.  I called them out, asking who was gonna fess up to wanting us gone, nobody responded.  A few more kick attempts were made, and finally the tank left, followed by the other 2.  We got another group within 5 minutes, and within 10 more minutes we downed 2 bosses and finished the instance, and didn't have a single death.

***Dacono - Kirin Tor.  We asked twice, very nicely for him to trap malignant trogg in Heroic Grim Batol.  He didn't twice, causing a wipe twice.  "If the tank would hold aggro on it we wouldn't have to CC it." You apparently don't know the fight.  In order to hold aggro on all the troggs, tank would have needed to AoE.  AoE does damage.  Malignant trogg dies, the boss enrages and we wipe.  A mage replaced you, and he didn't know how to CC either, so don't feel TOO bad.  Hunters usually get a bad rep because of players like you that think numbers are the sole purpose of this kind of game, and you're a typical hunter that couldn't do their job and CC a stinking trogg.
***Dafar-Azralon. What mage doesn't know how to sheep?  The boomkin should not have had to go into bear, taunt, and babysit the trogg in order for the group to not kill it.  The boomkin had to go into bear, taunt the trogg, then root it across the room and babysit it. It worked out better that way though, cause we wouldn't have wanted the little troll mage to accidentally break a tusk when casting a polymorph, oh that would've been horrible.

***Lorsbane-Elune. 1) A fight is not bugged when you stand under corborus when he jumps. It's a one shot ability to anything less than a tank. 2) Whirlwind is a physical damage ability that shaman can NOT interrupt. The only thing that can interrupt physical abilities like this are stuns, in which case most mobs are immune. 3) People are not retarded just because they don't answer within the window in which you provide. I answered within a reasonable amount of time explaining why I was locking down the earthshaper and that spinning slash to my knowledge was not interruptable by windshear. WoWhead in inconclusive but it looks like it's not interruptable. Not my problem. I was doing what most shaman should be doing in the pull, and that was keeping the earthshaper from transforming. The priest heals even appologized for my death about getting stunned and unable to heal me, and I took responsibility for standing in it and dying. If thats not good enough for you then sorry, I'm completely retarded and stupid like you say, but I didn't stand in the spinning slash twice like you stood under Corborus and died twice. So I guess that says something... I did have a chat with an officer of your guild though and it sounds like he agreed the method you informed me of my "fail" with was completely improper anyways. You're one of the few that I actually went to a superior of your guild and discussed with them about your behavior. Sorry but I take it seriously in my guild, and I also have consideration for other guilds and the atmosphere they portray as well.

Courtezan/Euthanazia/Pillowpantsx -Kalecgos.  All the same person.  Typical Elitist wannabe who knows everything and is the first to accuse others of failing.  Had 1 interrupt as a mage on Echo of Tyrande in 2 attempts and cried cause the tank had to interrupt all the rest and missed a couple.   Also expects to get carried on low geared toons and tries to cheat the LFG option by equipping PVP gear.  No more. Don't expect me to tank anything else for you again.  And by the way, you claim youre a better healer on your pally, though you dispell the cauldron buffs in ZG (that you NEED to keep up in order to not get 1-shot) and then cry about tanks being fail when you OOM because you spam divine light without having the mana pool for it?  Cry about the server you're on because you don't get groups that can outgear to make up for your fail healing? I know why your pally is named Euthanazia, you tend to kill others you group with as healer... I'm done. Enjoy your block.
Steakums-Kalecgos - The above failures tagalong that was in 337 ilvl gear trying to be beneficial in an End Times run.  4600 DPS.  A cloth belt?  You can't even get to the AH to buy a single freaking leather belt to get your leather specialization?  Fail spec included, you fit well with the above.

Nicerattimmy - Baelgun.  Healing druid rolled need on a rogue dagger.  Need I say more?

Moonletters - Burning Legion.  Boomkin in LFR consistantly doing UNDER 1K DPS.  Blackhoof, Spine and Madness of Deathwing ALTOGETHER his overall DPS was 973.  Seriously?  No healing done either? Just gonna sit there pressing a button every so often and roll need on the gear that you'll never put to good use? I tried to kick, but nobody else noticed.  After winning that caster mace that so many others could have made MUCH better use of, I hope your character dies and is never able to rez.

groups, dishonorable mention, heroics, wow, instances, faildps, failtank, fail, dungeons, hogger, wrath of the lich king, world of warcraft, pugs, fail pugs

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