Mar 25, 2007 08:55
1. Yourself: asshole
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: talk
3. Your hair: long
4. Your Mother: april
5. Your Father: blind
6. Your Favorite Item: drive
7. Your dream last night: no
8. Your Favorite drink: whiskey
9. Your Dream Car: 510
10. The room you are in: hell
11. Your Ex:
12. Your fear: stagnation
13. What you want to be in 10 years? alive
14. Who you hung out with last night? mike
15. What You’re Not? nice
16. Muffins: tops
17. One of Your Wish List Items: beth
18. Time: irrelevant
19. The Last Thing You Did: smoke
20. What You Are Wearing: pants
21. Your Favorite Weather: fall
22. Your Favorite Book: hmm
23. The Last Thing You Ate: chicken
24. Your Life: journey
25. Your Mood: lost
26. Your best friend: april
27. What are you thinking about right now? rabbit
28. Your car: expensive
29. What are you doing at the moment? wondering
30. Your summer: dry
31. Your relationship status: hateful
32. What is on your TV? loathing
33. What is the weather like? shitty
34. When is the last time you laughed? monkey