Super excited for lunch today. I have sushi, because last night I went to the sushi-making class at Loblaw's and made three rolls! I stuffed some into one of my lovely lovely bento boxes last night and it is currently in the fridge in the cafeteria, but the teacher last night suggested taking it out of the fridge about half an hour before eating so the rice isn't hard. Must remember to do that around 11-ish.
Tomorrow, a bunch of us are going to have ramen! Super exciting! I hear the ramen at this place (Ramen-Ya on St. Laurent, if you're interested) isn't totally authentic but still. This was all precipitated by me telling one friend that she needed to watch Tampopo. Speaking of which, I have ordered Tampopo on DVD from Amazon US. I was planning to order a taiyaki pan as well, but shipping on the pan (which sells for US$26) would have been US$36, taking the order well over $100. As much as I'd love to make fresh taiyaki, I think that's a little steep. Who knows, maybe I'll find myself near a Japanese kitchenware store soon and be able to pick one up. Or if anyone sees one for around $25, say, pick it up for me and I will totes pay you back. Anyway. Instead of a taiyaki pan, I ended up ordering the first Lucifer Box novel, on Sam's recommendation, and Sausagey Santa, on
nostrapotomus 's recommendation. Here's hoping customs doesn't decide my stuff is obscene or anything.
Going to Costco today after work. I am actually somewhat excited for this. I'm planning to check if they have any good DS games on the cheap, and also I'm thinking of maybe seeing if they have any light therapy lights because I think I may not be getting enough daylight here in my offsicle.
If anyone's interested in my no-poo adventures, (no shampoo, that is) I've started using shikakai powder from the Indian grocery and I LOOOVE it. Seems to get my hair cleaner than baking soda but it feels more conditioned after, and gives it really nice body. Still powdering with cornstarch between washes but I hope that soon my scalp will start to cut down on excess oil production. For a dirty hippy I have really clean hair. Incidentally, I'm totally enjoying the irony of giving up shampoo while working at a massive cosmetics company. Anyone else?