May 28, 2008 19:31
First off, bon voyage to Sam and The Boy, whose plane will be taking off in about 15 minutes. Have a good time in Och, aye! land, bring me back David Tennant, please! She's going to try a deep-fried Mars bar! And The Boy will be trying haggis. He's a braver man than I.
Today was day 3 at Avon. Still not quite adjusted to the whole waking up early thing, but apart from that, it's going fairly well. I kind of got lost on the way out on Monday, but I found my way out yesterday and today. Yay! I've also finally been able to get some use out of my bento collection. I haven't been taking pictures, but if I had, you'd be impressed, I bet. Plus I faxed off my info to HR (which has been outsourced to Manila, interestingly enough) so I should get paid next Thursday. I still have to fax in my insurance application thingy, but I have a bit more time for that one. Anyway.
Important grownup type things to do now ... or not so much. But I do have things to do. Later, dudes.