It's been awhile -
We're currently listening to Omnia, the Hub is baking a few things and I set up a Thanksgiving/Harvest altar in the living room. The sight of the dancing candlelight gives me joy. I think this is the most peaceful Thanksgiving we've had in some years. Tomorrow I shall attempt to call my brothers to wish them a happy turkey day, or I may wait until we're shopping on Small Business Saturday. It's always fun talking to family when I'm looking at (shiny! Cap'n!) things. Makes for a hilarious conversation. :D
It's almost a month since our roommate moved out; the Hub and I are back to just us two and boy it feels good! We 'redesigned' the house and everything feels more spacious and like ours again. The cats have become downright playful; we have some mini mice which we set up on the scratching post. Bella and Raven take turns knocking them off!
Well, I hope this finds all of you doing decently well; what are you up to this weekend, friends?
Best wishes for a peaceful and productive weekend, whatever you may be doing.