So. In part 2 of the DP series... er, I show you how I have sunken to the pits of dolly hell, sadly., a doll in of a different size. DX Yes, I have so fallen.
Well, the bad excuse is... my mum got lucky at Dolpa ._. She was actually the fourth person in the limited dolls queue? (Which means..ensuing mad spree, basically.) And so..initially, I wasn't completely sure I would keep this little girl as I wasn't really that impressed with her official pictures? Even though I should add that she was evilly secretly growing on me?
...Turned out that er, I opened the box, and..well basically, melted. No way I can sell this darling, I thought. DX <-- Yo-SDs are such terrible dolls! THEY EAT YOUR SOUL FOR BREAKFAST!
Um. Sorry about the bad photos, however ._. She definitely looks a lot better in real. It's just..I don't know how to even begin describing the squee I felt as I opened the box ._. It was completely unexpected, I maintain. Also, I think I pretty much sounded like a mad fangirl when I first dressed her up in this set of clothing. XD;
I did not get her default outfit however, as I was already reeling from guilt from my Sumika purchase and I really did not like the colour scheme of her outfit...
So I was really happy when I found this dress set at Harajuku's Sumika two days later... because I had nearly wanted to bid for an overpriced one on Y!J a while ago XD;;
Not a fan of her default wig either, but that'll have to do for now ._. Argh, new size... >__>
She doesn't have a name yet. Will think even harder over the next few days ._. I kinda hate this thinking-of-names ritual, ugh. Also, I generally have issues with creating profiles for female dolls, and Yo's are no exception. I suspect I'm keeping them only because they're cute?
And now... please stay tuned for the next installment!