I did cooking today.

Aug 08, 2006 02:19

...Not. D: It's been nearly forever since I posted photos of my toys... so here're two sets I bought when I went to Japan in December but never got round to taking photos of till today. (See just how much I procrastinate!)

I think arranging the parts in this set is far more challenging than any other sets I have because it's not just the parts that're tiny, the display itself is too. I keep knocking things over -_- But I think it's so cute, hoho. Doesn't it look like a kitchen? XD

How about some ebi fry for you? :D

Let's cook miso soup XD

Or would you like some dashi maki tamago with your bento?

Oh no, I really hate having to wash dishes. (No, I'm serious! ._.)
But I am so amused by the little yellow and green sponge... it's like a real sponge, zomg!
Pictures taken with my PowerShot. Is there something wrong with my PowerShot? I think I can't really stand taking doll/toy photos with it anymore... somehow the photos have a greenish or bluish hue, and it's difficult to fix in Photoshop because it's like these little pixels of odd colours but the rest of the photo seems okay...? Gah, I don't even know how to describe the problem. -_- I don't think it's got anything to do with my white balance or exposure settings. It never was like this -- I always used to say Canon cameras have the best colours. Not anymore it seems. :(

But if I were to start taking toy photos with my dSLR, I would most certainly need a new lens, which would have to be put on hold for now, sigh .__.

In other news, school started today. *mopes* And Slow Dance finally ended. :( In its place is a horror drama which begins tomorrow, but I refuse to watch it. >:(

I'm thinking of calling the new boy Hayate (颯). I think perhaps the romaji looks slightly odd, but I kind of like the concept behind it? 像风一样难以捉摸的感觉... :) I've also given serious(?) thought about his personality... but I shall refine it when he comes back with a new faceup. :D

Looking at the new FCS heads... gosh, I think I have fallen in love with F-31. He's so pretty!!! Wish they came with human ears though. Wait a minute -- maybe it's a good thing they don't. D:

And well. I succumbed. XD; -->

The 100 Questions BJD Meme

General stuff

1. What is your name and birthdate?
Sharon, 4/21.

2. How long have you been interested in dolls?
Honestly, I cannot remember when exactly my interest developed. I've known them for quite a long while, by accident one day when I was surfing for gothic lolita sites (haha). But I did not like them initially (that was when Volks only had female dolls...).

3. How many SD dolls do you have/had?

4. What is the name of your dolls and previous dolls?
Shin (F28), Midori (Anais), Suzu (Nana), Ai (Toppi), Keiji (Tony), Hayate (Lucas).

5. What type of SD do you have/had?
3 SD13 boys, 2 SD girls and an MSD girl.

6. Do you believe in Fate?
Er, I suppose?

7. Who is the manufacturer of your dolls?

8. What was your first reaction when you saw your SD for the first time?
"OMG, is this really my doll?! So how did they interpret his face-up...!" (I did not give visual indicators on how I wanted Shin to look like but I only a sketch of his personality to Volks XD)

9. Have you shown your doll off at a Doll Show?
Not a doll show, only at er..cosplay events? I'm looking forward to going for a Dolpa!

10. Which do you prefer? Commercial SDs (e.g. Kyon customed dolls) or customizing your own SD?
I think both have their own merits. Customising your own doll means it's far more personalised. But a "commercial SD" is very unique and beautiful too! Though, should I ever own a One-Off, I would not know what to do with his face-up if I ever get tired of it...! D:

11. How do you feel about Commercial SDs?
I think they're great. A lot of them have very well-tailored clothes and unique wigs.

12. Did you create a personality/background for your doll?

13. What type of relationship do you have with your doll (e.g. beloved daughter, friend)?
Er. They're my dolls? D: Haha. I'm their guardian? Photographer? :X

14. Does your SD have a nickname?
Yes, I guess?

15. What special meaning does your doll's name have?
I like single-word kanji names... but I try to keep their names relevant to their personalities.


16. Does your SD have a special seat/place in your room? If so, where?
Yes, next to my bed!

17. Did you buy a chair specifically for your SD?
Yes, I bought them a sofa when I went to Sato last year and EMS-ed it back home. XD

18. Does your SD have accessories of his own (e.g. pets, toys, hairbrush)?
They have mobile phones, sushi, flowers, quite a lot of small stuffed toys (XD) and a cigarette (courtesy of Cvy! hoho).

19. What hard to find items do you wish you could get for your doll?
A katana that is of perfect scale? T_T

20. What is the most expensive thing you've bought for your doll?
Er. The dolls themselves. :P If not, perhaps the sofa.


21. When you go out, do you take your doll with you?
Not really.

22. If so, where have you taken your doll?
For doll gatherings and photoshoots.

23. Is there a regular place you take your doll out to?
Not really.

24. If you do take your doll out of the house, how do you carry him (e.g. SD violin case, backpack etc)?
Usually in the Volks bag.

25. When you do take your doll out, is it easy to do or do you find it's more trouble than it's worth?
I would not say it's easy, but I don't think it's trouble either.


26. Does your doll have a friend? Do you think your doll wants a friend?
Yes, they have quite a lot of friends. XD

27. If you could build your dream FCS for free, what would it be?
I would like to have a white F16 girl...

28. What is your favorite optional head?
F28/F16/School A and School C? (Oops, that's more than one favourite. XD)

29. What is your least favorite optional head?
Err. Perhaps Mimi13.

30. What type of fantasy head would you like to see produced?
No idea.

31. What made you choose your SD out of all the various types?
Because I like the way they look? (Duh? hoho)

Clothing and Wigs:

32. What is your favorite wig for your doll?
Generally, I like brown wigs, haha. I'm not really into odd colours... and even though I think curls are so pretty, I've decided not to buy them (unless they're REALLY nice) because they're so difficult to maintain. D:

33. Do you change your SD's wig often and have you tried styling the wigs?
Used to... but now, I've sort of settled on "default" wigs for most of them? And no to styling wigs ._.

34. How many wigs do you have?
Too many. D:

35. How many shoes do you have for your doll? Does your doll have socks too?
Er, I didn't count. ._. And yes, they have socks.

36. What types of clothing does your doll wear? (name in order of favourite styles)
I like dresses for my girls... and for the boys, er usually shirt and pants? (gosh, how to answer this question!)

37. Where do you purchase your SD clothing?
Volks and sometimes, Y!J.

38. Do you sew clothing for your doll?
Yes. I used to sew more though. :P

39. Do you plan on dressing your doll as an anime character? If so, who?
Yes, hoho.

40. Do you make accessories for you doll? What kinds?

41. Have you made doll items that you plan on selling?
Er. I've considered selling clothes that I sew. But I haven't yet. Oops.

42. Do you sew/knit/crochet and for how long?
Hasn't the sewing part been asked already? D:
I used to knit but have never knitted for my dolls.

Misc owner Qs:

43. Is there a type of music that you listen to when you are with your doll?
No, I don't think my dolls influence what sort of music I listen to. I just listen to whatever I want to listen to.

44. Have you ever thought about opening a doll shop?

45. Do you have a specific area in your home where you keep your doll?
They're usually in my bedroom.

46. For how long did you know about SDs before you actually got your SD?
Er. A few years ._. And Shuui and I agreed we would not get our first doll till we're 25? Look what happened. ._.

47. Do you carry your doll around in the house?
When I want their company, yes.
But not around like, all the time. D:

48. Is there a special place in your house that you like to sit with your doll?
Not really. But one or two of them usually sit(s) with me when I'm at the computer or watching TV.

49. What are the comments you have heard in regards to your doll, after others have seen it in person?
The weirdest comment I've ever heard is that Shin resembles me because I'm his owner? Gosh, I felt really bad for Shin. XD;;

50. Does your doll have their own website?
...I'm actually REALLY working on it now. Finally. :O


51. What is the color of your doll's eyes now? Also give the size of eyes too.
Shin: Enchanted Doll eyes #13 16mm
Midori: HCG Mauve 16mm
Suzu: HCG Violet 18mm
Ai: HG Golden Rod 16mm
Keiji: HG Pale Purple 18mm
Hayate: HG Cadet Blue 16mm

52. What is your favorite eye color for your doll and why?
I think my favourite could be HCG Mauve. It looks good on everyone!

53. How often do you change the eyes?
Whenever I buy new eyes? Haha. But it's not that often.

54. How many different pairs of eyes do you have for your doll?
Er, I didn't count either.

More misc stuff:

55. Do you believe your doll has a "soul"?

56. Do you talk to your doll?
Sometimes. :X

57. When talking to your doll, how does he address you?
Er. They don't. D:

58. How do men react to your doll?
My bf is getting used to them, I think. Haha. And other guys probably think the price tag is crazy. Then again, I don't really talk to non-doll people about dolls all that much.

59. What was your favorite childhood doll growing up and why?
As far as I remember, Barbie and this series called Babyface dolls. XD

60. Did you have to sell items from a personal collection to raise money to purchase your doll?
Yes, haha.

61. If so, what did you sell?
Jrock CDs, magazines, anime merchandise and doujinshis that were just collecting dust in my room.

62. How much do you spend on your doll a month? What is the maximum you would spend?
I don't necessarily have to spend every month.

63. Have you purchased something you regretted later?

64. Do you like buying clothing sets for your doll?

65. How often do you change your dolls clothing?
Whenever I feel like it? D:

66. If you could take your doll anywhere with you in the world, where would that be?
I would like to bring them to Sato... it's good to go home once in a while. XD Unfortunately, I didn't do so the last time because I thought it would be too troublesome to travel with a doll ._.

67. Have you ever done something to your SD and felt bad about it? (eg. leaving him naked all night, dropping her)
Yes. :( Leaving him naked all night = when I'm sewing. XD; And they've fallen before. :(

68. What paint brand do you use on your doll?
I'm not good with paint, but I bought Mr Color.

69. If you were stranded on a deserted island with your doll, what 3 things would you want for your doll to have?
I don't want to be stranded on a deserted island.

70. Does your doll have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yes, hoho.

71. Does your doll have siblings (eg. brother/sister)?

72. Will you pierce your doll's ears?

73. Have you given your doll a manicure? What color?
No... I would like to some day though.

74. Did you do the esthetic process on your doll?
Mostly just restringing and cleaning. I've tried painting but it didn't turn out too well. XD; I am still wary of sanding them!

75. If so, are you glad you did?
Er, I suppose?

77. If you could change anything they did with the SD body, what would it be?

78. Have you sueded and wired your doll?

79. If your SD could be friends with any other SD, which SD would it be?
Err, I don't know. XD But friends are good!

80. Do you plan to get more SDs in the future?
If I have money, yes.

81. If so, which SDs?
Errr. XD; This is a wishlist rather than a concrete plan: Sweet Dreams Lucas, Madoka, Chris, Suzuna, School A, School C, Aya, F16 boy, F16 girl, Tohya girl, Anais boy, Kun boy, ... and I've just fallen in love with the new F-31! If only he comes with human ears. *_*

82. Do you change the paint on your SDs often?

83. Does your SD have a favorite color?
I think so.

84. In general, what is your SDs mood or look?
Er. They're generally not "happy" type of dolls. D:

85. Describe your SD's favorite outfit.
Right now, my favourite for Keiji is his skinny white shirt, skinny Volks pants, black tie and his geeky glasses. ♥

86. Does your SDs have a formal name? What is it?
Yes, some do. D:

87. Do you have any colored wigs for you SDs? (Green or pink) Which ones?
I only have a pink wig... generally, I'm not very experimental. D:

88. What SD would you like to see in the future?
Sweet Dreams Lucas? Madoka? They need to be re-released. :(

89. If you have more than one SD, do you favor one over the others?
I guess so. D:

90. Is your SD for display only?

91. Do you have any brand name clothing for your SDs?
Er. Volks? Haha.

92. Is there any SD you regret not buying?
Sweet Dreams Lucas :( And Shinku!

93. Do any of your friends own SDs?
Yes, some do.

94. Do you have SD get togethers?

95. Have you lied about the true cost of your SD to your family or friends?
Er, haha.

96. Do you think of yourself as being obsessive about your SD? If so, explain?
I have a strong interest in them, but I don't know if I'm obsessive.

97. If the house was on fire, what would you grab first? Your SD, wallet, clothes or no time and save yourself?
I do not wish to answer this question. -_-

98. Did you buy a digital camera only because you wanted to take pictures of your SD to show off online?
No, I got a camera before I got my first doll. But I wanted to upgrade my camera partly because I wanted to take better quality pictures of my dolls. D:

99. If you passed on, who gets your SD (e.g. wife/husband/kids/best friend/no one... it goes with me!) Explain why.
Honestly, I'm wondering about that too. D:

100. Do you think you'll ever tired of your SD? Why/Why not?
I don't know. I don't see that happening at the moment and I hope it won't. But who knows? D: Of course, there're times when I neglect my dolls when I get busy with work/school. I think a big part of my doll hobby is in being able to take photos of them.

...That was long. D:
Uh. Thanks for actually reading till here ._.

photos, dolls, cameras, shokugan, meme, hayate, toys, japanese dramas

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