various things.

Dec 16, 2005 00:39

I received two parcels yesterday, one from Kim (thank you! :D will take pictures soon...) and one from Tokyo DisneySea. XD

Complete with a Disney envelope. XD

You see, I lost my gloves last Tuesday when I went to Tokyo DisneySea. I'd left them in a toilet cubicle and it was five minutes later that I started to realise it. So I tried to go back to retrieve them but the person who came out said she didn't see any gloves. So by then, I was inwardly cursing Everything and feeling rather depressed because it's cold outside. Damn these dishonest people, bah!

(And I started to think about karma -- I have never kept anything I found before, so why! .___.||)

The janitor (a young and kindly lady) saw me looking distressed and asked if I'd lost something. Then she helpfully suggested I go and ask at the Lost and Found... to which I did, just before I left in the evening, and I registered a "lost item" with them. They were really patient and helpful but I really wasn't expecting to ever see my gloves again, since, well, it was quite a cold and windy day and the person who found it might as well have worn them or something -_-;

But they called my hotel the next day and told me they actually found them o_O|| I could hardly believe it but her description of my gloves sounded exactly like well, my gloves. So I asked if they could send them to my Singapore address, and the lady agreed all at once!

(Looks like I really 错怪ed the person who found my gloves...)

When the gloves came in the mail yesterday, they looked extraordinarily, well, clean. XD; So my mum and I were half expecting these gloves to be new, since they look and smell extremely new. But I put them on, and the left glove had that same little hole I remember it having. So it's really my gloves! And they bothered to wash them for me! XD

Wow, for this alone, I think Tokyo DisneySea totally rocks. XD

To give them more credit, I actually did enjoy my day there, even though I'm not much of a Disney fan! The rides were much better than those in DisneyLand and everything just looks nicer and cooler. So I say... don't bother with Tokyo DisneyLand, go to DisneySea! :D


I'm actually trying to get back in the habit of blogging regularly, hoho. And I'm going to stop being so lazy and actually try to take and post more photos. (Especially since Shu remarked the other time that she hardly sees me post photos of my dolls, hoho.)

In other words, I'm going to spam and pic!spam you all a lot from now on. >:D
(, it's still not too late to remove me from your friends list now -_-V)

I must be imagining things, but she kinda reminds me of a Madoka here -_-;

Took these photos the other day, together with the Toppi ones :) They seem a bit over exposed, but I actually kinda like the slightly burnt look in this series.

I've decided this is my favourite wig for her, so it's going to be her default, so-called. XD And I think it actually looks good slightly messy o_O Unfortunately, the hair falls quite easily actually .___. I still like it though... I'd love to have hair like that myself too, hoho.

I really like Midori. Every time I look at her, I feel happy that I got her in the end, even though she really did cost me an arm and leg. :X I often wonder if she is my favouritest doll out of all my dolls... but then I look at Shin and I suddenly cannot decide, haha. :) Shin is special in his very own way! I don't think I can bring myself to change Shin's faceup because of that... which actually may not be a very good thing. :\

The first mould that actually made me want a doll is the Lucas/Chris and F-28 mould, which explains why I got Shin. I really don't know how I started liking the Anais mould. The other day, I was looking at my folder of doll pictures I nicked from Y!J (hoho~) and I realise the majority of it are Anaises. It used to be just F-28/16/School A actually. XD; (I still have a lot of those though XD)

Satou-san wanted a picture of my new sofa so err, here's a partial photo of it. XD (But she probably won't get to see this in time... she's going to Taiwan, lucky girl!)

I think I've decided to call Toppi Ai for the time being... until the name sticks or I actually think of a better name -_-;

Speaking of which, my mum really loves Ai -_-; She actually squealed(!) and burst into a happy smile when she saw Ai leaning on Midori's shoulder last night. XD;

Is it just me or does the School C mould REALLY grow on you? =____= Oh, and Shinku too. *weeps*



I met the Japanese textbook characters today! :D *happy* Here's Tanaka-san's new teddy bear walking towards my hot chocolate. XD

Last call for addresses... (Christmas cards!) I will be sending the first(?) batch tomorrow :) By the way, if you actually want my address, please leave a comment, hoho.

tokyo disneysea, japanese textbook characters, dolly photos, dolls, midori, christmas

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