I am so fucking angry. Last night I went to the first meeting of the new City Council and you know what's the first thing our new mayor wants to do? Remove all the signs saying "Città per la pace" ("Peace city") that are placed above our town name (like
these ones in Monza, which were removed by the new mayor two years ago). Reason: after the elections, it's clear the our town is not antifascist, but anticommunist. What the fuck. And people clapped when he said that! Luckily other people protested and reminded him he had just sworn on the Constitution, and the Italian Constitution is antifascist. He ignored them, of course.
Second thing that needs to be changed: the Council Statute, so he can nominate 9 councillors (or whatever they're called in English) instead of only 7. So much for saving money.
Third: he'll change the name of the "Foreigners Office" to "Integration Office", because, and I quote: "If you want to come here to work, you're welcome, but if you want to come here to be a criminal, get the fuck out." A gentleman, our new mayor.
And the other day he went to the people who manage the bar in the park, who also organise concerts in summer, and threatened them saying they don't have the permits they need and he would close down the place. For the record, the people working there are close to one of the left-wing party.
How the fuck did we end up like this?