Samhain has finally passed, and i've been literally crashing for the past day. Such an intense swirl of energies; who needs drugs? i suppose i'm glad i'm not working right now, as i don't know how i'd keep up with it all. Much is going on in my life, but i've been holding to my decision not to note every minutae down here. i don't know if that's "good" or "bad" - mostly just different. i'm trying to stay off the computer as much as i can, which isn't entirely thought-out so much as an instinctual thing.. or perhaps part of a conscious act of changing reality in accordance with the Will. Of course i can never again be the sade i was in the 70s, but there are elements of her i'd like to reclaim. What did i do with my days then, when there was no internet or text messaging etc? (Answer: smoke a lot more pot, wander around Lakeview Cemetery, hang out in the original Arabica) Yes, but also draw, and sew, and write, and bake bread w/
scryewulf. i want those things back in my life - well, i want to wander in cemeteries again too, but that's on hold til i can lure Someone to do it with me. Someone who Remembers that too.
Ah yes, the holiday proper..
Friday of course had more things than hours in the day going on. Was sort of hoping to get the costume i'd made for a pal dropped off early, but then i kept tweaking it. You can see my pics of the test fitting
here, and
here. Shawn was a half-man, half-woman if you don't care to clickenzie. However, he didn't get back from Chicago til later than planned, so it was dusk by the time i took it over to him. He's got pics of the final outfit up on myspz, not looking it up right now; but he added makeup and shaved half his goatee so it was pretty sweet.
From there i stopped over at my friend Deb's house to help hand out candy, as she lives in an area where there were lots of kids. My water brother was there too, and Angie, another mutual pal. i was in my Morticia dress, dressed as me in the 90s lol (some of you OHGoth-L folks might recognize that picture!)(once i link it. tomorrow) and Mark had his crow hat back - apparently he'd left it at Matty D's party LAST Hallows and only got it the week before. Deb and Angie went in to get changed shortly after i got there so he and i sat out front handing out candy for a while; tho i went in to make a headpiece/veil for Deb's zombie bride costume. There was one little deaf girl who came by and didn't understand or couldn't respond to him asking 'what do you say'; he got really upset by that, especially later, but that's jumping ahead.
From there i headed out to a memorial/party for Krissie/Pagan Martha Stewart, whose mom passed away suddenly the week before. i'd been to the park it was at before but didn't know the name - not that it would've helped, it was still a long-ass cruise out to Lorain. Which meant i got there with about enuf time to smoke a couple cigarettes and make pleasantries before i had to turn around and leave. Her sister had already left which - well, i understand, but i haven't seen her in maybe a decade, so was hoping to catch her. Ah well.
Back on the road then.. took a slightly different route going home, not sure if it was any quicker, maybe a little. Was only about 15 min. late at the Duck, not that it matters much there - ! Some guy who has been kicked out for being a drunk ass before was doing it again, and got booted again right after i got in. None of the equipment was hooked up AT ALL, so i had to fiddle-fart around a good while before i had sound. But eventually got it rigged. Not a bad night, considering how many parties & shows there were. Shawn stopped by late to show me the finished product; Cornflake and Dr T came in dressed in flags, one carrying a gas can, the other a gallon jug of 'blood', chanting "No Blood for Oil" - loved it! Jack was there too, w/his new GF Amy, who is awesome. Deb and Angie stopped in w/a fellow who's new to Ed's: zombie bride, bride of Frankenstein, and Vincent VanGogh. Nick T from RR looking dapper in top hat & evening jacket. And his thin white duke-ness, who i've only recently started seeing around again.
End of the night, i'm loaded out, *almost* everyone's gone, just waiting for Hovaround to show so i can get paid. KK bought a round of drinks for the last 'allowed' stragglers. Suddenly i get a text from Mark saying he's outside. oRly? He was supposed to be right behind Deb, but hadn't showed, so that was a surprise. It wound up being an after-party (shh) that lasted til past legal opening time, tho i didn't. Still, spent a few more hours w/Mark on one side and KK on the other, and that pulled my head in two directions at once, you betcha. Which is why i didn't get much done Sat. day, certainly not set build. Tho Des hooked Hard-Hatted Women up with the theater, so there was a good crew.
Sat. night was the theater party, tho it turned out to be NOT just theater folk. i wore my naughty nun costume again - pic links to come later; Safari is pooped out for the night. Stayed out at Wes' a bit later than i thought, but it was a nice night to sit around a fire with friends. Sue managed to score a girl scout outfit that fits her perfectly, Lauren was a hippie, Wes an 'incautious hunter' (ie, no orange and an arrow thru the neck!), Geoff Charlie Chaplin, Lucy reprised Dark Angel from Petrosexuals (newspaper collar and all) and Clyde decided he was 'Count Dracula comes out of the coffin(closet)', lol. i think i was there til almost midnight, sipping hot buttered rum - yummy!
Pat's in the Flats next on the agenda - Sosumi played for the first time in who knows how long. i missed 14th Floor, sadly, not quite recalling Muffin Bob is in that band. Got to see Pyrosonic, tho, who hardly comes into town anymore, and some folks from my era of WCSB. Sosumi sounded great, for not having practiced at all! Marq Murder took another picture of my boobs, which i think is *not* the one he just put on myspz - hrm, i guess they really are ginormous, at least when i'm corsetted within an inch of my life - !
i had decided that the nun regalia might be juuust a wee bit much for Pat's, so added my long velvet skirt and wore my coat instead of cloak, plus more reasonable shoes than the ones Rachael loaned me.
Decided to head to Ed's before last call.. forgetting as well that JiMiller was playing (and i do the band listings board!) tho i'd probably have not caught his set if i had so whatev. It cleared out fairly quickly down there, maybe people were getting partied out. Apparently there was an agreement between Ed's, the Treehouse and the Flying Monkey that no one would honor the time change, so while they closed 'early', half a dozen regulars hung out another hour. This is when my water brother started getting upset about the deaf girl the night before. Matty and i talked to him about it, but when he gets a bee in his bonnet - well buzz buzz buzz and-a just because. It all settled out in the end, tho, and we had a rather playful farewell - at least he was relatively clean-shaven, so no whiskerburn this time - ! i inadvertently woke
la_discoteca up when i got home.. wasn't sure if she was back from Bounce yet but i guess her crew left earlier than mine did.
Sunday i *did* get up at a reasonable hour. Bri was getting picked up right after i left so i put on grubbies & went to the theater. Did some painting, broke for lunch, came back and all but finished painting the floor. i love that there's history in our sets and props, and that i have been around long enuf to know it, now (we're using "Poona netting" for the tree in this one). A much smaller crew, so i'm glad that was the day i came in. Oh and Lucy has the iPod on by artist so we got to hear all of "Night at the Opera" - more 70s, the 70s i WANT to remember, yay. Tyson also teased me about showing my age coz i sang a snippet of "Dizzy" by Tommy Roe - as will you if you even know what i'm talking about, lol!
Came home, sat and chilled a bit, then back into that trusty long dress and out to Samhain i went. i'd been invited to one on Friday as well, and had hoped to stop in between Lorain and DJing but time just didn't allow; so i was glad there was another circle i could attend. Tho i think i inadvertently stepped on some toes becoz of that but oh well, what can ya do? i knew about half a dozen out of the dozen&a half there, and save the HP hadn't seen any of them in a couple years, i guess! So it was good to catch up. i felt a bit like an Elder tho the HPs certainly has been at it longer than me - well, an energie thing.
We had a meditation for communing w/one's departed ancestors.. i don't really work in that way, tho i do 'visit' with my dad's parents in Dream every so often. Not my mom's parents, not sure why. Maybe that's why Grandpa MacD seemed upset w/me - ? Tho i think its more my bohemian choices. i don't know, but i came out of it kind of upset and defensive and destabilized. Then we all drew a Tarot trump, which the HP read for us. Mine was the Emperor, read that as you will; but when he read it, he ended with 'could be a Scorpio' which i refused to accept. Sorry Scorp guys out there, but one was enuf for this lifetime! Fiery water, well - that's another story. After the rite i asked him to read for me - he has Joe Vargo's Gothic Tarot, which i've not seen before. i didn't tell him at all what(who) i was asking about; and i was crossed by the Ace of Cups *thibbit*. He read the outcome as no, i can't go around, or over, or away from that which is in my path - again, interesting as i told him nothing (til later) of how i visualize Paths, nor my feeling of sometimes being blocked - "Can't move forward and i can't go back".
Wound up helping to clean the space at the end of the night, wouldn't seem right to just walk away. Oh, and the omen i tweeted about? Around the corner from where the rite was held was one of those lit-up multi-business strip mall signs.. one of the large ones on it had the last name of some tax guy in big letters, but above it his first and middle initial on a separate line - which Just Happens to be exactly my water brother's first name and initial (he uses only that; maybe you would too if your last name was twelve letters long ;) i don't think this is Ooh Spooky Major, but it was - amusing. There was another omen to the night but that one's not going up here. Pepper will understand when i tell her. Should it ever prove true, believe me, you'll know.
So that was pretty much my holiday weekend. After the patient gig tonight, i went up to Coventry, a place i barely recognize anymore, and dropped off a couple posters for the MC show on the 15th (community spam to come). Was heading back home but realized it was almost time for rehearsal break, so on a whim stopped by the theater and am glad i did; Clyde asked if i could run sound/video, to which i gratefully said YES. i kinda had to take Buried Child off, but figured all along to come back for this one and was feeling a little blue there didn't seem to be room for me. You see how my calendar fills up? There's weekends til xmas. After that i ran in to the store to spend money on food (oh, the extravagance!), came home and made cabbage soup for days. Caught up on LJ, yahoo, myspz, etc., and played Tyranny and Mutation three times over and now i'm going to sleep so tomorrow i can vote, and maybe donate, and pleasepleaseplease dear Gods and Goddesses breathe a huge freaking sigh of relief tomorrow night that our long national nightmare will finally be over. Peace out y'all.