Apr 16, 2009 10:03
Since it's now come up twice in a couple months (hence hitting the "possible social trend" radar), and something I don't want to ever see on this journal (save any posts specifically prompting dialog), I want to state for the record that I do not endorse, promote, or feel specifically attached to anything whatsoever based on the modern definition of "Feminism." This strikes me as somewhat sad, because for all of my adult life (and some of my adolescent life, too) I considered myself a Feminist, and assumed that although it was never an obsession, it was something I could still comfortably throw myself into. Times, and definitions, have changed, and so from now on I will not call myself a Feminist again; instead, I will use the term "Sufferagist."
What has become of Feminism, from what I can gather, is a giant intellectual wank-fest involving terms like "heteronormative," "gender identity," and other terms that have nothing to do with personal rights, and rather are an attempt to get a pity-screw out of the world for feeling different from the person next to you. For the record, being different is supposed to be a good thing, and if you feel uncomfortable living in a world that persecutes differences, go take a course on marketing and read a book on social theory; you'd be served much better. I find the current definition of "Feminism" self-loathing, poorly researched, and divisive; all things that Feminists, up until the new definition, suffered to overcome.
Personally, I have never had, and doubt I ever will have, any interest in having some sort of deep, introspective experience with the other side of my fly; nor is it something I ever want to judge people on. Using new "Feminist" jargon like "heteronormative" in all serious conversational tone will not find you persecuted by me because of your lack of coping with your sexuality - instead, I'll simply (and possibly politely) ask you to prove that you're not a total moron. Feel free to bicker all you want about gender roles on your personal journals, but the truth of gender equality is that these discussions are ones that, as a straight man, I would be persecuted visciously for exploring, so my general apathy is not only sincere, but also protective.