
Sep 18, 2005 20:27

Xstrikeforce88x: check this out
Xstrikeforce88x wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie\My Documents\download\gothicpanda555\02 - The Age Of Quarrel_ World Peace.mp3.
gothic panda555 received C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie\My Documents\download\gothicpanda555\02 - The Age Of Quarrel_ World Peace.mp3.
Xstrikeforce88x: thas some fucking music
gothic panda555: brb
gothic panda555: eh.. I didnt think to highly of it
gothic panda555: I'm sorry
Xstrikeforce88x: my bro sent me this song, ithought it was cool
Xstrikeforce88x: cro mags are pretty sick
gothic panda555: I didnt find it very aestheticlky pleasing
Xstrikeforce88x: your not really into hardcore
gothic panda555: no
gothic panda555: not at all
gothic panda555: its ugly music
gothic panda555: to me
Xstrikeforce88x: well you listen to pretty music, ikeep it ugly lol
gothic panda555: ok
Xstrikeforce88x: lol hey that was funny
gothic panda555: no it wasnt
Xstrikeforce88x: you keep it pretty, i keep it ugly, that was amusing
Xstrikeforce88x: come on, admit it
gothic panda555: no it wasnt
gothic panda555: that was.. that was dumb...
gothic panda555: *nods one eye brow raised some8
Xstrikeforce88x: so dumb it :-P was funny
gothic panda555: no
gothic panda555: so dumb... it wasnt funny
gothic panda555: dont try and make it seem funny... cause it wasnt
Xstrikeforce88x: meh, anyone else would laugh
gothic panda555: do most of your friends do drugs?
Xstrikeforce88x: nope, i'm straight edge, they have a sense of humor
Xstrikeforce88x: i don't think you do
gothic panda555: I do..
gothic panda555: just not old man humour :P
Xstrikeforce88x: i have a silly sense o humor, i don't everythig serious, you seem to
gothic panda555: I just asked my firned if they found what you said was funny
gothic panda555: and they say not really
Xstrikeforce88x: well they had to be there
gothic panda555: it was a bad joke
gothic panda555: just let it go at that...
Xstrikeforce88x: never i'm stubborn that way
Xstrikeforce88x: :-P
gothic panda555: okay
gothic panda555: what ever
Xstrikeforce88x: so are you likestuck up or you refuse to like be human and have fun?
gothic panda555: I find that offensive...
gothic panda555: cause I do have fun.. tons.. ... just... your boring
Xstrikeforce88x: actually it's vice versa, i'm so not boring, i mean i offered to call and hang out with you, cause i'm fun in person, it's boring o n the comp
Xstrikeforce88x: maybe it is offensive, but it's soemthign to think about
Xstrikeforce88x: thas how you come accross
gothic panda555: to you
gothic panda555: yes
Xstrikeforce88x: so you are purposely being a bitch to me
Xstrikeforce88x: so when i asked my question before, you were just being dumb
gothic panda555: no, I do want to be your friend.. but I find you offending...
gothic panda555: I;m actully not that easy to offend.. just certain things.. and you seem to hit most of them
Xstrikeforce88x: like what?
gothic panda555: the way you speak about girls around me, (not that you speak of them but how), you are pushy and inpatient
Xstrikeforce88x: how do i speak of girls and how am i pushy?
gothic panda555: you just give off that impression when something happens
gothic panda555: I cant explain things well wich makes me rather inept when it comes to arguements
Xstrikeforce88x: well you said i'm pushy, so ami pushy and what makes me wonder, how do i speak of girls?
gothic panda555: I cant explain ... v.v
Xstrikeforce88x: well tel me how italk bout girls>?
Xstrikeforce88x: thas what i wanna know
Xstrikeforce88x: give examples
Xstrikeforce88x: samewith me being pushy
gothic panda555: pushy goes along with impatient
Xstrikeforce88x: i know, i have no patience
Xstrikeforce88x: but anyway, how bout howi tlak bout girls
Xstrikeforce88x: examples
gothic panda555: I dont know any examples
Xstrikeforce88x: well how do i tlak bout them then, you brought it up, iwanna know, explain, enlighten me, back up your point
Xstrikeforce88x: something
gothic panda555: I dont have any that I can remeber
gothic panda555: but you put an impresion in my mind
gothic panda555: thats what I got out of it...
Xstrikeforce88x: what impression?
Xstrikeforce88x: explain this
gothic panda555: I cant
gothic panda555: this is why I dotn argue
Xstrikeforce88x: well whats this impression, you have an impression, so what is it?
Xstrikeforce88x: tell me the impression, not very hard
gothic panda555: a not good one
Xstrikeforce88x: ok where gettign somewhere, whats then ot good impression?
gothic panda555: as it sounds
Xstrikeforce88x: ok specifics
Xstrikeforce88x: it's not hard
Xstrikeforce88x: be bluntl ike me
gothic panda555: there are nonw
gothic panda555: none^
Xstrikeforce88x: so you think i'm abusive, i hate women, i think there all whores, i yell at them
Xstrikeforce88x: shitl ike that?
gothic panda555: no
gothic panda555: you just talk rudely... thats it
gothic panda555: in that imature I'm a dumb ass so I can talk like this way
Xstrikeforce88x: it's the way i tlak ot my best friend chanda, i can be liek i'll spank you, she'll laugh and bel ike o yeah, i'll be you with my strap on or something, i mean most of my chic friends don't give a fuck and arej ustl ike whatever, i can talk freely and they takem e not serious in the least, i like you, but seriosuly man, you got to like LOOSEN UP, god your so uptight it's annoying, i mean if you loosen up, you can be a very cool chic
gothic panda555: I dont need to!
gothic panda555: I am me
gothic panda555: I'm not going to change so you can talk to me with out pissing me off
Xstrikeforce88x: so it's not bout pissing you off, it's not bout changing, it's bout just relaxing and being chill
Xstrikeforce88x: i could careless if i pisss you off lol
Xstrikeforce88x: really
gothic panda555: well I do
gothic panda555: cause when get pissed off I dont think straight and its not good to think like that
gothic panda555: when your me atleast
Xstrikeforce88x: well i'm saying you need to chill and loosen up, i mean you can be really cool, i see that, but your so up tight and miss perfect, don't be that, just chill and be liek whatever man
Xstrikeforce88x: say with me, whatever man
Xstrikeforce88x: now say cool man
gothic panda555: I'm not that way
gothic panda555: I'd rather be giggly and happy with my friend instead of "laid back"
gothic panda555: Casuse no one else hads a problem with me
gothic panda555: except for my dad
Xstrikeforce88x: well be gigglily then, but your all like i'm perfect with me and it's annoying, yeah i drink, i'm obnoxous and blunt, but i'm also loyal and very nice,
Xstrikeforce88x: i talk sexually and i have no regrets
gothic panda555: well obnoxuos people who cant learn to cencor their mouths need to be hit in the head with a metal bar in my oppinion
Xstrikeforce88x: it's who i am, i'll say whats on my mind, but like i said i'll comprimise around you, but really, you should just chill al il around me and check thie miss perfect crap out the door with me
Xstrikeforce88x: thas the problem
Xstrikeforce88x: no reponse
gothic panda555: can I just... not talk to you.. I've tried now.. but it doesnt work... it is me... I'm stubborn as well.. and.. I cant stand the way you tlak in general.. and we cant have a normal conversation cause of this...
gothic panda555: so I dont think its wise to be the firend of someone you fight iwht consitnly
Xstrikeforce88x: so you are saying you are a bitch then
Xstrikeforce88x: and you still hsavent explained the wayi tlak
gothic panda555: I guess thats what your brain will translate it as
gothic panda555: you speak gutterially
Xstrikeforce88x: how?
gothic panda555: your rude, blunt, crude
gothic panda555: your humour is horrible..
Xstrikeforce88x: ok i'm blunt, how ami rude?
Xstrikeforce88x: explain
Xstrikeforce88x: and also crude
gothic panda555: you curse alot...
Xstrikeforce88x: miss perfect
Xstrikeforce88x: ok go on
gothic panda555: ok thanks.. I'm miss Perfect
gothic panda555: how bout this
gothic panda555: can you just go away
gothic panda555: cause I dont want to tlak to you..
Xstrikeforce88x: well you are a bitch, so whatever fuck off cunt, go kill yourself
gothic panda555: no thank you
gothic panda555: have a nice day... fucker...
Xstrikeforce88x: o yeah you don't curselol
Xstrikeforce88x: maybe i have one of my chics friends fuck withyou a lil
gothic panda555: your an idiot...
Xstrikeforce88x: o now your so perfect
Xstrikeforce88x: i'm so gutterly
gothic panda555: of course
Xstrikeforce88x: your a hypocrite
gothic panda555: you rose me to here
gothic panda555: I didnt say anything like that
gothic panda555: YOU did
Xstrikeforce88x: your a fucking cunt, i mean your just another stupid girl, i said hey just relax and be cool, don't be so miss perfect, but nope, your just a cunt, pure and simple, but it would help if you killed yourself
gothic panda555: you say" your nice... and then you acall me a 'cunt' and tell me to kill myself...
gothic panda555: what if you found out I did kill myself
gothic panda555: and it was because of you
gothic panda555: how would you feel
gothic panda555: if you were a nice person
gothic panda555: wouldnt you feel bad?
Xstrikeforce88x: i would think your very pathetic
Xstrikeforce88x: to kill yourself for me
gothic panda555: or.. are you tthat disguisting that deep down .. you dont care
Xstrikeforce88x: well 5 min ago i would, but you justtold me to fuck off,so you know, go kill yourself, i know a cutter that would help you slit your wrists
gothic panda555: ... the only reason I would even think abotu saying stuff like that is because you were just oh so rude to me
gothic panda555: so why should I be nice to you?
gothic panda555: if your calling me a cunt and telling me to kill myself?
gothic panda555: cause its really disguisting
Xstrikeforce88x: well i have nothign otl ose now do i ? you already said fuck off
gothic panda555: Xstrikeforce88x: well you are a bitch, so whatever fuck off cunt, go kill yourself
gothic panda555: no thank you
gothic panda555: have a nice day... fucker...
gothic panda555: it was because of YOUR fuck off cunt.. go kill yourself
gothic panda555: that I said it
gothic panda555: so shut up and listen to someone ... a little less dumb then you
Xstrikeforce88x: a lil less dumb? i think not, i mean youare a lil dumb high school twat, i am a college student and a teacher
Xstrikeforce88x: so yeah if you wanted intelligent convo, you coulda had, but nope, you decided not to even try , so whatever
Xstrikeforce88x: your an idiot, twat,
gothic panda555: okay
Xstrikeforce88x: so really kill yourself, save your self the strife
gothic panda555: your a jerk
gothic panda555: your not nice
gothic panda555: you have an illusion of being nice
gothic panda555: but you arent...
Xstrikeforce88x: you never tried, when was there a time when you really tried talking to me, ask questions, have a nice convo, that wasn't one sided?
Xstrikeforce88x: when ?
Xstrikeforce88x: never
Xstrikeforce88x: so yeah you are a cunt, miss perfect bullshit
Xstrikeforce88x: think your better then everyone
gothic panda555: I'm not though
gothic panda555: you just keep saying it
gothic panda555: maybe you have an insecurity issue
Xstrikeforce88x: i'm very secure, but it's you, if you were nice, you woulda talked to me and tried to get to know me and so what kinda person i am, then you would know the ral me, not some bullshit assumptions, because your to dumb to get to know me
Xstrikeforce88x: yeah no reponse
Xstrikeforce88x: you know i'm right
gothic panda555: no I think your stupid
gothic panda555: and rude..
gothic panda555: so I was talking tothers..
gothic panda555: worth my time
Xstrikeforce88x: shut up cunt, ididn't ask for your bullshit opinion
Xstrikeforce88x: i said you knew iwas right
gothic panda555: no.. you arent
gothic panda555: so... go some where else and listen to your ugly music and talk to your girly friends and be mushy and all that crap
gothic panda555: dont waste your time on a 16 year old girl who could get you into alot of trouble iwht the police
gothic panda555: be a big boy
Xstrikeforce88x: lol i wouldn't even touch you
gothic panda555: go away
Xstrikeforce88x: block me then, or are you to much of a stupid cunt ot do that
Xstrikeforce88x: i already know your a lier and a fake
Xstrikeforce88x: so go on, blocky now
Xstrikeforce88x: well you waiting for stupid cunt
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