To those who’ve wondered where I’ve been...

Oct 18, 2007 16:41

I just got out of the hospital. I was there for about 9 days. I went in on the 9th because my right leg hurt and had swollen up very painfully. Diagnosis : blood clot. They told me I was a walking time bomb. They admitted me to the hospital and I had my first "surgical" procedure to insert a filter to keep big chunks of the clot from going to my heart, lungs, or brain.

I went through 5 roommates over the time I was there. I am now on Coumadin, a blood thinner, and have to see a doctor frequently to check different levels in my blood to make sure my diet and medication go together. I have to make sure I keep somewhat consistent (no binging on spinach or broccoli) on my Vitamin K intake. You wouldn't believe how many things have Vitamin K in it.

I had had to have shots of Lovenox put into my stomach fat twice a day. Ben learned how to do it and did a pretty good job. I have bruises all over my stomach from the shots, bruises all over the insides of my elbows from all the blood draws and different IVs, and a bruise on the inside of my thigh more than likely from the insertion of the filter or maybe the swelling and all the walking they were having me do (10 sets of 5 laps around the Nurses station).

Chloe is getting so big. She's acquired some fat rolls on her legs since I've been gone. She can no longer breast feed, since my medication is not good for her and will go into the milk. It is hard trying to dry out a milk supply when you've had a child eating so much milk per day.

I'm so tired from all of this. In 4 months I get to go to a Hematologist to get some more tests. I have to be on the Coumadin for at least 6 months, then more tests, and then we will see if I have to be on it for the rest of my life. If I do, it means Chloe might be my last child. The risks of getting pregnant while on the medication is just so scary.
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