It's been a good week. I've decided that things at work would go better if I just decided not to care. It seems like the lazier I am and the less complaints I make the smoother things go. Yes, while this seems to be rather unprofessional and rather useless, it hasn't caused any uproars lately. The more people at work don't care, the better the attitudes unfortunately.
I've never worked at a place with these work ethics, but it seems to be the only way o can maintain my sanity.
On a more personal note, I am absolutely content in my standings as an awesome girlfriend, aunt, sister n law, daughter in law, ect. Cesar's family makes everything better and my relationship with my own parents is stronger than ever.
I am still on my journey to quit smoking. I was doing pretty good with cutting down until I realized that I just didn't want to quit all together. Cesar is trying to help me with this, but I just can't do it right now. Saving money should be a motivating factor, but I am still having trouble coming to grips with the fact that I will have to give up this bad habit. I want very much to be healthy, but right now I just don't seem to care.
I've finally cut loose of the one "tie" I had left with a friend back home. I mean nothing to them. Well, maybe not nothing, but I must not mean enough. Im so tired of all the lying and attention seeking that I've decided to put it to rest. I've grown up more in the past year and a half to know when I've rather not be around someone who continuously embarrasses themselves with lies and a facade that they've seem to be quite comfortable living. I just don't understand pathological liars and that is why I am not a psychologist. I think at this stage in this persons life, they should know better, but I could definitely be wrong.
Besides all that, how is everyone else doing? And would anyone like to ask me any questions? I really need to get my mind off of lighting another cig!
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