Quick update

May 17, 2010 11:40

Ive been meaning to update more now that im living in my own place, but i rarely get a moment to myself with work and all. Im living in oceanside, ca now and i couldnt be happier! Ive already got a job up here and its going great. Im working at a seven eleven with some friends and everything is turning out fine. Im homesick here and there, but for the most part it feels great to be out on my own. Today is my 24th birthday and it feels wierd to be away from home, but everyone has wished me happy bday and its really lidted me up today! Things have changed drastically from just a few months ago, but ive always been really good with change and adapting so im fitting in fine. I wish i had time to get philisophical, but i have to get ready for work. Later on tonight i plan on sitting down, collecting my thoughts, and expressing them through here. Again, thank you to all my friends (family) who have wished me happy birthday. You have really made my day! Love you all :)

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