Jun 09, 2008 13:20
so yes i bought a wii... i've yet to play around with it and see if it is truly as fun as everyone says... so hopefully i can be rid of this headache/migraine wannabe and be silly tonight.... any game suggestions?
Deathklok (sp) is playing a show in Detroit and in Chicago.... well at least the band that plays the music for the show is on tour as Deathklok... this oughta be interesting....
went out saturday night to help some friends (V1rtual D3scent)with their CD release party.... the show was great... i was introduced to Grey Goose pear vodka - straight... thanks to the ever enthusiastic and insanely gorgeous Russian dj Spetsnaz - i couldn't refuse.... no i didn't even try :) *sighs* le yum... hopefully pics will surface in the next few days... *fingers crossed*
hmmm i know i had other points of disinterest...but i can't recall them right now....
oh yeah The Birthday Massacre is Saturday and then Ladytron is two days after... and i've yet to pick up a ticket for either show.... :(