Another Update

May 20, 2006 15:15

Well I have four hundered and eighty-one dollars in my wallet now. Yes I earned that money. I went to the bank yesterday to have all my checks cashed. So yeah that's it on the money part.

I may buy some things from Hot topic later on since I have some money now. I like hot topic. I first discovered it exsisted when Sabrina took me there and bought me my shirt. Which was very nice of her to do so. I miss haning out with sabrina, we had some good times. Anyways on to something else

Next weekend Ray should be coming over. He's going to meet my Parents so I can go out and do stuff with him or just go over to his house. I can't wait for that. He seems like a nice guy. Yeah people I'm still givin him a chance. Even though I'm getting jealous over some of the girls he talks to.. I know I shouldn't, but their all so very beautiful and yeah. But whatever.

That's it on the update for now.
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