Finally, why women don't like being told that someone loves them in a relationship

Jul 09, 2005 15:43

Hello my friends,

Ah, just when you thought that bullshit has a good vacation. It always comes back for more.

As you may have read the title of this entry, I come to the thought that this is true. Why you ask? Allow me to explain.

When in a relationship, if you tell your lady that you love her and even though you mean it, she does not want to hear it as you express it towrads her because she wants to be loved in a way that is most different from what you doing.

A woman wants to be loved when she can try to nuture or change the person that she is with. For example, a lady that earns a living trying to change the man she loves that steals money from her and abuses her.

Most cases, especially in this society, this is acceptable, because she wants to change him to her persective. Of course, this is not reality that she is living in.

Here is the first question.

Why does this happen?

The answer: Because women have unbalanced emotions and chemical reacations to things. This is true, however, they have this blind innocence apperance that they cannot do wrong and don't have feelings of expresssion towards the guy that loves them for who they are.

Oh sure, they don't like to be mushy when it comes to someone loving them, but when they love, they are very mushy and try to nuture.

Look at the analysis.

Women are taught that they must have someone with an wheelbarrow of money, property, and security. They are also taught that they must not lead men to think that they love them.

Most women learn this stupid shit from their parents and society. "Make sure he has money, and if he says he loves you more than once, although, he really means it and proves it by helping you in life, go for someone that you can control."

To me, this is just bullshit. But such is biology.

My problem is that why if someone loves a woman for who they are and being faithful and loving to them, then why do they reject these guys and go for ones that hurt them, do negative things to them, and other misguided things.

Here is why.

Because they are afraid to be loved in a postive manner. Most of all relationships (even marriage) are in a negative manner. Proff, constant arguments, someone that cannnot accept the real world and support themselves, betrayl, if you too nice to you wife, she leave you. Don't believe me, as a divorced man.

So what is the attraction to all of this. Simple, they want men that they can control and change to their image.

Even when they are getting abused. They accept them, because they love them, women will always date men that don't give a shit about them, and always reject the loves that care about them.

It's nature dominant joke. How sad, but such is reality, and women accept this.

I say once and I say again, women do not like nice guys. What they love is ass-slapping sex, by someone that can control and dominate them. Because from the beginning of time. That is man's nature, and this is all from God, that created man in his image. Notice: His image of life and what do with a woman. It's just the dark side of christian religion.

I sure that many women are upset about this, but if they are, I challenge them as to why they have men that dominate them and control them. Oh sure, they are quick to defend for them, but the other side of the coin says different.

Love a man that loves you for who you are and is proud to say that he loves you and truly means it, be there for you and stay by you side no matter how difficult it gets.

Robert, The Dark Gentleman
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