Symptoms of being stupid

Dec 31, 2004 06:21

How you ask, well let me fill you in. The problem is that the actual fact that they love these idiots because they suffer from the diease known as stupid. Stupid is spread worldwide and here is some symptoms of stupid.

1. You major in pubic services
2. You have sex with an idiot and become an single mother
3. You major in business
4. You wait till the last moment to visit your family, when you have all year to do so. There is nothing cute about seeing your family on christmas day, because you say you care, when you have the whole fucking year to do so. That's like saying, "Oh, A year already passed and it is Christmas, it time for me to get on the plane with all the other people that waited till this moment to do so, and create traffic. Like people who buy two hunderd dollar phones. When will the bullshit end? Never, because people are sensitive and think that their opinions matter, just like kids, and there is nothing more cruel in this world, than a child.
5. You use pharaes like "It takes one to know now, and no offense, but, then followed with an offensive statment."

Since we on the subject of visiting families. What the fuck is so damn popular about visiting them on special days? Where the special day is Christmas, New Year's Eve, Memorial Day, Or Thanksgiving. Simply put, if you need a special day to visit your family, then you are a complete jackass. Another form of stuipd.

Just like people who pay $800 rent inside a one bed-room apratment. It had better be the best damn apartment for me to be paying some damn eight hundred dollars for. Fucking idiots.

Also, another form of stuipd. People that major in Art. This is just one of the dumbest shit I have ever heard in life in general. Why you ask, let me fill you in. Art is basically what is drawn from inside a person correct? It is about experssing oneself through paint, sculture, design, and fashion. So if all of this is true, then how the fuck can a teacher grade and judge someone work if his/her's is shitty itself? You cant grade art simply because of the fact that people have different taste in art.That is like me judging a woman that sleep with idiots, you can't judge because it supposed to be woman's choice. I don't judge them for it, I just think it's stupid. End of story,

Now, before I get any letters about woman's right to choose and all that good shit. Think for one second. The very problem is choice.

Just like that asshole grandmother that had three kids. That is just fucking stupid by the fact that she is old and still fucking dumbasses. Again, stupid shows itself. Why you say? Because she is old and think that she has a choice to fuck a guy like she is twenty. That shit is not cute, so stop pretending.

But the number one dumb shit that I see is on the Maury Povich Show. "I sixteen, and I don't know who the father is" My response: Stop fucking everything you fucking nutsack. I love how they have sex with these, oh yes, idiots and then get pregant. A recent note was left to me by someone that claims that a women becomes a single mother because she loves a man and gets pregant. Wrong. That is not true, if any self-respecting man out there loves her, she would not be a single mother in the first place, but however, due to society way of being with a man that has money and all this good shit, she probably leave him for another guy that has a 50 cent shirt and a shitty car with expensive rims on it that cause $50,000. Just like the average woman would do. Money creates opportunity, and chances are, she is not going to choose your ass. End of story.
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