Mar 14, 2006 09:11
so lets see what all has happen since last i posted... well, i was going to go to lunch with my grandparents.. but my license is suspended.. yea again.. (shhh.. i know), so i was gonna have my buddy ed drive me, that didn't work out so well... his dad planned a doc visit for him that morning and i never heard back from him, so either he's acutally in trouble or he is really sick. so i asked margaret to help me out.. she said sure.. and i was teaching her how to drive my crappy stick shift beater.. she was doin good for what my car was.. but then at the light of weatherbee and orange ave.. there was a cop behind us.. and she was having trouble with the shifting thing and the first gear thing.. and the inclined hill at the light an starting from a stop thing.. so i was trying to help and i turned on the hazzard lights while she was in first gear.. the cop left us alone for a bit, until we almost got to landstreet.. then she pulled us over..
this is where the day got sour... we get pulled over and the cop turns out to be a lady cop.. not looking good for us.. and margaret decided to tell her that she just can't find her license.. when infact she has no license.. then the lady cop comes back and asks her why she lied.. then we are asked to get out of the car.. (yea i gave her my registration and insurance card.. duh..) the lady cop starts with the whole, "i could take you to jail right now.. but i'm not sure that's what i want to do." then the lady cop decides to ask me if she can search the car.. (UM NO!!).. i look at her an say, "i'd really rather you didn't but i can't really tell you no." then she looks at me an asks me if i have anything in the car that shouldn't be there that i would get in trouble.. (i actually had to think about it.. that's sad).. then she tells me, "well if you tell me no, then i'll just call and get a warrent, since she was driving with out a license i have probable cause to search your car, so the choice is yours, let me search the car, or i'll just get a warrent over the radio to do it.. if you let me, then you have a less chance of going to jail, an if you don't i'll more than likely take you both in..."
so of course i told her yes. i had forgotten about the blunt the night before that was just a roach left in my ash tray.. then there was a quarter in my pants pocket.. then margaret had a little in her purse.. then a little here and there from the sloppy ed..
yea your reading this thinking .. she's phuk'd.. but believe it or not.. we were actually shown pitty.. the lady cop looks at the two of us an asked our ages. we told her, and she said, "well i tell you what, i'm gonna go ahead and let you go, you two remind me of me and my little sister, and all the trouble that we got into... so consider this a second chance, and don't do it again .. please."
but the sucky part is that ... THEY TOOK THE POT.. AND WOULDN'T GIVE IT BACK.. those bastards... but we didn't go to jail.. so it could have been way worse.. her brother came to save us.. and he was nice enough to actually drive my car back to their place, and then take me to the Red Lobster over by the florida mall.. i was only.. lets see.. an hour late to the lunch appointment... and we were only 7min away from our destination.. where as if we hadn't been pulled over we would have either been just on time or a little early...
and today i had a dentist appointment.. got two fillings.. and a really numb mouth.. after i finish posting.. i'm gonna try to catch a nap.. seeing as i was up this morning at 5:45am..
my dentist is crazy but cool at the same time.. he gave me the novicaine.. then let it set.. then started to drill. but i felt it.. so he gave me more.. and we were done in like 30min from when he actually started drilling.. (sounds bad.. drilling in the mouth. and tooth doesn't have a favorable flavor.. trust me on this one.) we got done, then my aunt (i had to stay the night over at my aunts so i could get to the appointment in the morning) made me wait in her office area.. but she kinda made sure that i was hidden. i felt almost like i was in "time out" or something the way she was talking to me to hide in her office.. damn.. i'm not 5 anymore aunt diane.. gosh... but yea i'm all done with that.. and now it's nap time.. :)
so yea, until next time cow polks...